Séminaire: Problèmes Spectraux en Physique Mathématique

Année 2024-2025

Pour tout renseignement complémentaire, veuillez contacter les organisateurs, Hakim Boumaza, Mathieu Lewin ou Stéphane Nonnenmacher.

Prochain séminaire le lundi 13 janvier 2025 après-midi à l'Institut Henri Poincaré, en salle Maryam Mirzakhani (ex-201, 2e étage)

14h - 15h Denis Grebenkov (CNRS & Ecole Polytechnique).
The Steklov spectral problem: asymptotic results and probabilistic applications


In this overview talk, I will present the encounter-based approach to diffusive processes in Euclidean domains and highlight its fundamental relation to the Steklov spectral problem. So, the Steklov eigenfunctions turn out to be particularly useful for representing heat kernels with Robin boundary condition and disentangling diffusive dynamics from reaction events on the boundary. In the second part of the talk, I will discuss the asymptotic behavior of the Steklov eigenvalues for the exterior Steklov problem. Some open questions related to spectral, probabilistic and asymptotic aspects of this problem will be outlined.

  15h15 - 16h15 Valentina Ros (CNRS & Université Paris-Saclay) The geometry of high-dimensional Gaussian landscape, and what can it tell us about dynamics


High-dimensional random landscapes (i.e., random fields on high-dimensional manifolds) have been extensively studied as models of the potential energy landscapes of complex systems, such as glasses. Understanding their structure has been—and continues to be—crucial for determining the evolution of local dynamics in associated glassy systems. In recent years, these landscapes have also emerged as generalized cost functions in a variety of high-dimensional optimization, inference, and control problems. In this talk, I will present results on a simple yet paradigmatic model: an isotropic Gaussian landscape on a high-dimensional hypersphere. I will describe techniques, relying on the Kac-Rice formula and on Random Matrix Theory, for characterizing the “landscape geometry”—namely, the distribution and connectivity of stationary points in configuration space. Finally, I will comment on how this information could be useful for understanding the exploration of the landscape through local dynamics, beyond the asymptotic, "mean-field" limit of infinite dimensionality.

Prochaines séances :

3 mars 2025: Idriss Mazari, Gaoyue Guo
14 avril 2025
5 mai 2025
16 juin 2025

Historique du séminaire:

Année 2024-2025
Année 2023-2024
Année 2022-2023
Année 2021-2022
Année 2020-2021
Année 2019-2020
Année 2018-2019
Année 2017-2018
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Année 2013-2014
Année 2012-2013
Année 2011-2012
Année 2010-2011
Année 2009-2010
Année 2008-2009
Année 2007-2008
Année 2006-2007
Année 2005-2006

Dernière mise à jour: 8 janvier 2025
Page maintenue par Stéphane Nonnenmacher