Control, index, traces and determinants
the journey of a probabilist
27 -- 31 May 2013, Université Paris-Sud, Orsay
[Pdf presentations and videos] [Lectures] [How to get there?] [Support and Registration] [Practical information for participants] [Organisation]
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Lectures: pdf presentations and videos
The downloadable videos are heavy (from 300 Mo to 900 Mo).
The download works fine on my configuration, but may be difficult for others, depending on firewall or internet providers.
Michael Atiyah (Edinburgh)
pdf presentationdownloadable video Nicolas Bergeron (Paris 6)
pdf presentationdownloadable video Simon Donaldson (Imperial College)
pdf presentationdownloadable video Julien Dubédat (Columbia)
pdf presentationdownloadable video Yasha Eliashberg (Stanford)
pdf presentationdownloadable video Gerd Faltings (Bonn)
pdf presentationdownloadable video Ezra Getzler (Northwestern)
pdf presentationdownloadable video Sebastian Goette (Freiburg)
pdf presentationdownloadable video Maxim Kontsevich (IHÉS)
pdf presentationdownloadable video John Lott (Berkeley)
pdf presentationVideo not available Video not available Rafe Mazzeo (Stanford)
pdf presentationdownloadable video Richard Melrose (MIT)
pdf presentationdownloadable video Werner Müller (Bonn)
pdf presentationdownloadable video Damian Rössler (Toulouse)
pdf presentationdownloadable video Scott Sheffield (MIT)
pdf presentationdownloadable video Andrei Teleman (U. de Provence)
pdf presentationdownloadable video Gang Tian (Princeton & Peking U.)
pdf presentationdownloadable video Cédric Villani (Lyon I)
pdf presentationdownloadable video Wendelin Werner (Paris-Sud),
Pdf presentation not availabledownloadable video Ken-Ichi Yoshikawa (Kyoto)
pdf presentationdownloadable video Organising and scientific committees
Scientific committee
Jean-Benoit Bost, Jeff Cheeger, Jochen Brüning, Gilles Lebeau, Yves Le Jan, Laurent Clozel, Patrick Gérard, Helmut Hofer.
Organising committeeFrançois Labourie, Xiaonan Ma, Weiping Zhang.
Registration will start on Monday 9 a.m and the first talk will be at 10 a.m.
Here is a downloadable schedule.
Here are the abstracts and titles.![]()
Practical information for participants
List of participants :
Here is the list of participants (other than the speakers and the scientific committee)
Supporting institutions
We acknowledge the support of the Department of Mathematics of Université Paris-Sud at Orsay, the ERC-advanced grant AnalysisDirac FP7-291060, the ERC-advanced grant HighTeich FP7-246918, CNRS, Fondation Jacques Hadamard , The project ANR-ETTT , l'IUF, l'Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu and Université Paris-Sud
We finally thank Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, marquise de Sévigné, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, dit Molière, and Edmond Rostand for their warm and everlasting support.