Publications et preprints
Ma liste de publications au format PDF, et aussi un
résumé de
mes travaux de recherche
(English version).
Ci-dessous des liens vers la plupart de mes articles depuis 2002 (les versions disponibles ci-dessous peuvent différer légèrement
des versions publiées) :
- Drilling holes in the Brownian disk: The Brownian annulus (A paraître dans Electron. J. Probab., avec Alexis Metz-Donnadieu)
- Peeling the Brownian half-plane (A paraître, avec Armand Riera)
- A stochastic differential equation for local times of super-Brownian motion (Ann. Probab. 53 (2025), 355-390, avec Edwin Perkins)
- Spatial Markov property in Brownian disks (A paraître dans Ann. Inst. Henri
Poincaré Probab. Stat., avec Armand Riera)
- The Markov property of local times of Brownian motion indexed by the Brownian tree (Ann. Probab. 52 (2024), 188-216)
- The volume measure of the Brownian sphere is a Hausdorff measure (Electron. J. Probab. 27 (2022), article no.113, 1-28)
- Geodesic stars in random geometry (Ann. Probab. 50 (2022), 1013-1058)
- Spine representations for non-compact models of random geometry (Probab. Th. Rel. Fields 181 (2021), 571-645, avec Armand Riera)
- The Brownian disk viewed from a boundary point (Ann. Inst. Henri
Poincaré Probab. Stat. 58 (2022), 1091-1119)
- Some explicit distributions for Brownian motion
indexed by the Brownian tree (Markov Processes Relat. Fields 26 (2020), 659-686, avec Armand Riera)
- Growth-fragmentation processes in Brownian motion indexed by the Brownian tree (Ann. Probab. 48 (2020),
1742-1784, avec Armand Riera)
- Brownian geometry (2018 Takagi lectures, Japan. J. Math. 14 (2019), 135-174)
- Separating cycles and isoperimetric inequalities in the uniform infinite planar quadrangulation (Ann. Probab. 47 (2019), 1498-1540, avec
Thomas Lehéricy)
- Brownian disks and the Brownian snake (Ann. Inst. Henri
Poincaré Probab. Stat. 55 (2019), 237-313)
- Subordination of trees and the Brownian map (Probab. Th. Rel. Fields 117 (2018), 819-864)
- First-passage percolation and local modifications of distances in random
triangulations (Ann. Sci. Éc. Norm. Supér. 52 (2019), 631-701, avec Nicolas Curien)
- Excursion theory for Brownian motion indexed by the Brownian tree (J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 20 (2018),
2951-3016, avec Céline Abraham)
- Scaling limits for the peeling process on random maps (Ann. Inst. Henri
Poincaré Probab. Stat. 53 (2017), 322-357, avec Nicolas Curien)
- The hull process of the Brownian plane (Probab. Th. Rel. Fields 166 (2016), 187-231, avec Nicolas Curien)
- Random geometry on the sphere (Proceedings International Congress of Mathematicians, Seoul 2014, vol.I, pp.421-442)
- The range of tree-indexed random walk in low dimensions (Ann. Probab. 43 (2015), 2701-2728,
avec Shen Lin)
- The range of tree-indexed random walk (J. Inst. Math. Jussieu 15 (2016), 271-317,
avec Shen Lin)
- The harmonic measure of balls in random trees
(Ann. Probab. 45 (2017), 147-209, avec Nicolas Curien)
- Bessel processes, the Brownian snake and super-Brownian motion (In: Séminaire de Probabilités XLVII. Lecture Notes Math. 2137. Springer 2015)
- The Brownian cactus II. Upcrossings and local times of super-Brownian motion
(Probab. Th. Rel. Fields 162 (2015), 199-231)
- The Brownian plane (J. Theoret. Probab. 27 (2014), 1249-1291,
avec Nicolas Curien)
- Quadrangulations with no pendant vertices (Bernoulli
19 (2013), 1150-1175, avec Johel Beltran)
- Uniqueness and universality of the Brownian map
(Ann. Probab. 41 (2013), 2880-2960)
- The Brownian cactus I
(Ann. Inst. Henri
Poincaré Probab. Stat. 49 (2013), 340-373, avec Grégory Miermont et Nicolas Curien)
- Scaling limits of random trees and planar maps
(In: Probability and Statistical Physics in Two and More Dimensions, Clay Mathematics Proceedings, vol.15, pp.155-211, AMS-CMI, 2012, avec Grégory Miermont)
- Escape probabilities for branching Brownian motion among mild obstacles (J. Theoret. Probab.
25 (2012), 505-535, avec Amandine Véber)
- Random recursive triangulations of the disk via
fragmentation theory (Ann. Probab. 39 (2011), 2224-2270, avec
Nicolas Curien)
- Scaling limits of random planar maps with large faces
(Ann. Probab. 39 (2011), 1-69, avec Grégory Miermont)
- Scaling limits for the uniform infinite quadrangulation
( Illinois
J. Math. 54 (2010), 1163-1203, avec Laurent Ménard). Voir aussi
- Itô's excursion theory and random trees
(Stoch. Process. Appl. 120 (2010), 721-749)
- Geodesics in large planar maps and in
the Brownian map (Acta Mathematica 205 (2010), 287-360)
- Large random planar maps and their scaling limits
(Proceeedings 5th European Congress of Mathematics, Amsterdam 2008. European Math.
Society, Zurich 2010)
- On the re-rooting invariance property of Lévy
trees (Electronic Comm. Probab. 14 (2009), 317-326, avec Thomas Duquesne)
- Scaling limits of bipartite planar maps are
homeomorphic to the 2-sphere
(Geometric and Functional Analysis 18 (2008), 893-918, avec
Frédéric Paulin)
- The topological structure of scaling limits
of large planar maps
(Inventiones mathematicae 169 (2007), 621-670)
- Probabilistic approach to a class of
semilinear partial differential equations (In:
Perspectives in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations In honor of Haim
Brezis, pp. 255-272. Contemporary Mathematics, AMS 2007.)
- The Hausdorff measure of stable trees
(Alea 1 (2006), 393-415,
avec Thomas Duquesne)
- Random real trees (Ann. Fac. Sci.
Toulouse Série 6, vol. XV (2006), pp. 35-62)
- On the occupation measure of
super-Brownian motion (Electronic Comm. Probab. 11
(2006), 252-265, avec Mathieu Merle)
- Stochastic flows
associated to coalescent processes III: Limit theorems (Illinois
J. Math. 50 (2006), 147-181, avec Jean Bertoin)
A conditional limit theorem for tree-indexed random walk
(Stoch. Process. Appl. 116 (2006), 539-567)
- Conditioned
Brownian trees (Ann. Inst. Henri
Poincaré Probab. Stat. 42 (2006), 455-489,
avec Mathilde Weill)
- Random trees and applications
(Probability Surveys 2
(2005), 245-311)
- Stochastic flows
associated to coalescent processes II: Stochastic differential equations (Ann. Inst. Henri
Poincaré Probab. Stat. 41 (2005), 307-333, avec Jean Bertoin)
- Probabilistic and fractal aspects of Lévy trees
(Probab. Th. Rel. Fields 131 (2005), 553-603,
avec Thomas Duquesne)
- Stochastic integral representation and regularity of
the density for the exit measure of super-Brownian motion
(Ann. Probab. 33 (2005), 194-222,
avec Leonid Mytnik)
- Stochastic flows
associated to coalescent processes (Probab. Th. Rel. Fields 126 (2003), 261-288, avec Jean Bertoin)
- Random trees, Lévy processes and
spatial branching processes (Astérisque 281 (2002), avec
Thomas Duquesne)