Born 16/07/1985 in Remiremont (88).
Married, two princesses (Mathilde 2016 & Juliette 2018).


2014-Now         Professor at Université Paris-Sud Orsay (Pr Ex)
2012-2014 CNRS Research at LPMA (Paris 6)
2008-2012 Teaching assistant at ENS Paris (Caïman)
2008-2011 Phd thesis under the supervision of Jean-François Le Gall


2013-2015         Alessandra Caraceni (co-supervision with F. Flandoli)         The geometry of large outerplanar and half-planar maps         Prof at SNS Pisa
2014-2018         Linxiao Chen (co-supervision with J. Bouttier)         Decorated random planar maps         Assit. Prof. P13
2014-2018         Thomas Budzinski         Hyperbolic random planar maps         CNRS researcher ENS Lyon
2015-2019         Delphin Sénizergues (co-supervision with B. Haas)         Random metric spaces built by gluings         Assit. Prof. P10
2017-2021         David Marchand (co-supervision with I. Manolescu)         Geometry of random graphs built by preferential attachment
2020-2023         Alice Contat         Parking on (random) trees         Post-Doc at P13
2021-2024         Guillaume Blanc (co-supervision with A. Singh)         Random metric spaces defined by Poisson lines         Post-Doc at EPFL
2022-Now         Vincent Viau (co-supervision with B. Haas)         Frozen Erdos--Renyi random graphs
2021-Now         Emmanuel Kammerer (co-supervision with C. Marzouk)         Critical O(2)-decorated random planar maps
2024-Now         Adrianus Twigt         Scaling limit of the Luczak--Winkler dynamics on random trees

Post-Doc mentored

2024-         William Fleurat
2024-2024         Arthur Blanc-Renaudie         CNRS researcher
2022-2024         Meltem Unel         Assit. Prof. P13
2022-Now         Matteo d'Achille
2019-2021         Ariane Carrance co-supervision avec JF Le Gall         Post-Doc Vienna
2019-2021         Luis Fredes co-supervision avec JF Le Gall         Assit. Prof. Bordeaux
2016-2018         Sebastien Martineau         Assit. Prof. P6
2016-2018         Cyril Marzouk         Assit. Prof. Ecole Polytechnique

Membership of (gastronomic) societies

2019         Brotherhood "Tastes Fourmes du Cantal" (Level: tasteur honoris causa)
2015         Brotherhood "Gousteurs de Kirsch de Fougerolles" (Level: Râpe-Mousse)
2009         Brotherhood "Taste-Andouilles et Gandoyaux du Val d'Ajol" (Level: Goûteur juré then Ambassador in Israel since 2010)


2023         PI of ERC Cog "SuPerGRandMa"
2022         Prix Marc Yor
2019         Prix Jacques Herbrand de l'académie des sciences
2019         Saint-Flour Lectures
2016         Junior member of IUF
2016         Peccot course at Collège de France
2015         Rollo Davidson Prize
2012         Jacques Neveu prize for Phd thesis
2011         EADS Prize for Phd thesis