Main publications :
- Théorie des invariants holomorphes.
Thèse d'Etat, Orsay, March 1974.
- Théorie iterative: introduction à la
théorie des invariants holomorphes.
J. Math. pures et appl., 54, 1975, p. 183-258.
- The main results about holomorphic invariants were announced in:
C.R.A.S., t. 272, A 1971, p 225-228
C.R.A.S., t. 272, A 1971, p 308-311
C.R.A.S., t. 272, A 1971, p 372-375
C.R.A.S., t. 276, A 1973, p 179-182
C.R.A.S., t. 276, A 1973, p 261-264
C.R.A.S., t. 276, A 1973, p 375-378
C.R.A.S., t. 276, A 1973, p 471-474
Vestnik L.G.U., 7 1973, p 69-71
Vestnik L.G.U., 13 1973, p 166-169
- Some new criteria for the Riemann hypothesis:
C.R.A.S., t. 277, A 1973, p 23-25
- The seminal ideas behind resurgence theory were set forth in:
C.R.A.S., t. 282, A 1976, p 203-206
C.R.A.S., t. 282, A 1976, p 861-864
C.R.A.S., t. 282, A 1976, p976-982
Un analogue distant des fonctions automorphes: les fonctions
Séminaire Choquet,1977-78.
- Les fonctions
résurgentes, Vol. 1:
Algèbres de fonctions résurgentes.
Publ. Math. Orsay 81.05 (1981), # 248 pp.
- Les fonctions
résurgentes, Vol. 2:
Les fonctions résurgentes appliquées à l'itération.
Publ. Math. Orsay 81.06 (1981), # 283 pp.
- Les fonctions
résurgentes, Vol. 3:
L'équation du pont et la classification analytique des objets locaux.
Publ. Math. Orsay 85.05 (1985), # 585 pp.
- Iteration and analytic classification of local diffeomorphisms
of C^n.
in Iteration theory and its functional equations. Lecture Notes 1163,
Springer, 1985, p 41-48.
- Cinq applications des fonctions résurgentes.
Prepub. Math. d'Orsay, 1984, 84T62, # 110 pp.
One of these five articles is available here: Singularités irrégulieres
et résurgence multiple.
- Classification
analytique des champs hamiltoniens.
Potentiels de résurgence et hamiltoniens étrangers.
Proc. of the Dijon 1985 Conference on Differential Equations in
the Complex Field, Asterisque.
- L'accélération des fonctions résurgentes,
Unpublished typescript, Orsay 1985, # 54 pp.
A scan of the original typescript (-unpublished because unsubmitted,
and unsubmitted
because widely circulated and then half-forgotten-) can be accessed here.
We didn't attempt to
bring the text in line with our later notations
and nomenclature on accelaration theory.
- (with J. Martinet,
R. Moussu, J.-P. Ramis)
Non-accumulation des cycles-limites.
C.R.A.S., t. 304, série I,no 14, 1987, p 375-378
C.R.A.S., t. 304, série I,no 14, 1987, p 431-434
- Finitude des cycles limite et accéléro-sommation de
l'application de retour.
Bifurcations of Planar Vector Fields, Proceedings, Luminy 1989, Lecture
Notes 1455, Springer, p 74-159.
- The acceleration operators and their applications.
Proc. Internat. Cong. Math., Kyoto, 1990, vol.2, Springer, Tokyo, 1991,
- The Bridge Equation and its Applications to Local Geometry.
in Proc. of the Intern. Confer. on Dynamical Systems and Related
Topics, K. Shiraiwa ed.,
Advanced Series in Dynamical Systems, Vol.9, 1991, p 100-122.
- Singularités non abordables par la géométrie.
Ann. Inst. Fourier,Grenoble, 42, 1992, p 73-164.
- Introduction aux fonctions analysables et preuve
constructive de la conjecture de Dulac.
(book), Actual. Math., Hermann, Paris, 1992, # 337 pp.
The contents of the book, along with an update, are described in Dulac: constructive proof .
The book itself can be downloaded from this portal .
- Six Lectures on Transseries, Analysable Functions and the
Constructive Proof of Dulac's Conjecture .
Bifurcations and Periodic Orbits of Vector Fields, D. Schlomiuk ed.,
p.75-184, 1993, Kluwer
- Discretised Resurgence.
Annexe C, p 161-218,
Included in F. Menous' PhD
Les bonnes moyennes uniformisantes et leurs applications à
resommation réelle
PhD Thesis, 26.5.1999, Laboratoir Emile Picard, Université P. Sabatier,
Toulouse, France.
- Cohesive functions and weak accelerations.
Journal d'Analyse Mathématique, Vol. 60 (1993), p 71-97.
- (with D. Schlomiuk)
The nilpotent part and distinguished form of resonant vector
fields or diffeomorphisms.
Annales de Institut Fourier, 1993, p 1407-1483.
- Weighted products and parametric resurgence
in Méthodes résurgentes, Travaux en Cours, 47, L. Boutet de Monvel ed.,
1994, p 7-49.
- Compensation of small denominators and ramified
linearisation of local objects.
in Complex Analytic Methods in Dynamical Systems, IMPA, Asterisque,
1994, p 135-199.
- (with F. Menous)
Well-behaved convolution averages and the non-accumulation
theorem for limit-cycles.
in: The Stokes Phenomenon and Hilbert's 16th Problem, eds B.L.J.
Braaksma, G.K. Immink, M. van der Put, p 71-101, World Scient. Publ.
- (with B. Vallet)
Passive/active resonance. Non-linear resurgence and
isoresurgent deformations.
in: The Stokes Phenomenon and Hilbert's 16th Problem, eds B.L.J.
Braaksma, G.K. Immink, M. van der Put, p ...-..., World Scient. Publ.
- Prenormalisazation, correction, and linearization of
resonant vector fields or diffeomorphisms.
Prepub. Orsay 95-32 (1995), # 90 pp.
- (with B. Vallet)
Correction, and linearization of resonant vector fields or
Math. Zeitschrift 229, p 249-318 (1998)
- A Tale of
Three Structures: the Arithmetics of Multizetas, the Analysis of
Singularities, the Lie Algebra ARI.
Diff. Eq. and the Stokes Phenomenon, BLJ Braaksma, GK Immink, M van der
Put, J Top Eds 2002, World Scient. Publ.,p 89-146.
- Recent
Advances in
the Analysis of Divergence and Singularities.
Proceedings of the July 2002 Montreal Seminar on Bifurcations, Normal
forms and Finiteness Problems in Differential Equations,
C. Rousseau,Yu. Ilyashenko Publ., 2004 Kluwer Acad. Publ., p 87-187
la dimorphie et l'arithmétique des multizetas: un premier
Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, 15 (2003), p 411-478.
- Twisted
Resurgence Monomials and canonical-spherical synthesis of Local
Proc. of the June 2002 Edinburgh conference on Asymptotics and
Analysable Functions, O. Costin ed, World Scient. Publ., # 105 pp
- (with B. Vallet)
prepub. Orsay 2003-73, # 92 pp.
Ann. Fac. Sc. Toulouse, Tome XIII, no 3 (2004), p. 291-376.
- (with B. Vallet)
arborification-coarborification transform: analytic, combinatorial. and
algebraic aspects
prepub. Orsay 2004-30, # 80 pp
Ann. Fac. Sc. Toulouse, Ser.6, 13, no 4 (2004), p. 575-657.
- Multizetas,
perinomal numbers, arithmetical dimorphy, and ARI/GARI.
prepub. Orsay 2004-37, # 26 pp (a survey)
Ann. Fac. Sc. Toulouse, Tome XIII, no. 4 (2004), p. 683-708.
- (with Sh. Sharma)
Power series
with sum-product Taylor coefficients and their resurgence algebra.
prepub. Orsay 2010-04, # 146 pp
Ann.Scuo.Norm.Pisa , 2011, Vol.1, Asymptotics in Dynamics, Geometry and
PDEs; Generalized Borel Summation; ed. O.Costin, F.Fauvet, F.Menous,
- The flexion
structure and dimorphy: flexion units, singulators, generators, and the
enumeration of multizeta irreducibles.
prepub. Orsay 2010-05, # 163 pp.
Ann.Scuo.Norm.Pisa , 2011, Vol.2,
Asymptotics in Dynamics, Geometry and PDEs; Generalized
Borel Summation; ed. O.Costin, F.Fauvet, F.Menous, D.Sauzin.
An enlarged version, March 2011, # 185 pp,
can be found here
and the penultimate galley proof is here.
- (X. Buff, J. Ecalle, A. Epstein)
Limits of
Degenerate Parabolic Quadratic Rational Maps.
Final version 2012-08, # 46 pp
To appear in Geometric and Functional Analysis.
- (with O. Bouillot)
Invariants of
identity-tangent diffeomorphisms: explicit formulae and effective
Orsay 2012-07, # 42 pp
- Eupolars and
their bialternality grid. Appeared in A.M.V., 2015.
A preliminary
version (# 85 pp) was posted in February 2014 and slightly
expanded in
March 2014.
The complete version
(# 114 pp) was posted in April 2014.
Numerous illustrative Tables can be accessed here or here.
- Singulators
vs Bisingulators. (# 21 pp, 7 June 2014)
This is a preview of the last chapter of a forthcoming
Flexion Algebras.
(to be posted in July 2014)
- Singularly
Perturbed Systems, Coequational Resurgence, and Flexion Operations.
(# 21 pp, 7 June 2014)
This is a preview of the first part of a larger
The Three Bridge
Equations (forthcoming).
- Singular ODEs and
Resurgence. (June 2015)
(in Russian)
- The Natural Growth
Scale. (January 2016,145 pp)
Updated in March 2018.
- Combinatorial
tidbits from resurgence theory and mould calculus. (June
2016, 36 pp)
Based on a series of talks delivered at a meeting of combinatoricists.
1. From moulds to bimoulds, and back.
2. Mould extensions of classical functions.
3. Natural projectors.
4. Minimal convolution domains.
5. Iso-differential operators and their natural basis.
- Invariants of
identity-tangent diffeomorphisms expanded as series of multitangents
and multizetas. (November 2016, 120 pp)
- Taming
the coloured multizetas. (forthcoming).
are the slides of a talk given on 27/06/2017 at CIRM
The comments on the black-numbered, star-marked
slides were added after the event.
A full exposition can be found in the chapters 1 and 4 of this long paper.
- The
scrambling operators applied to multizeta algebra and singular
perturbation analysis. (October 2018, 156 pp).
scrambling operators applied to multizeta algebra and singular
perturbation analysis. (expanded version, March 2019, 203 pp).
(i) Gives a synopsis of the three scrambling operators (scram, viscram,
discram) and applies them:
(ii) to the theory of singular pertubations, to derive the Second and
Third Bridge Equations in the most general situation,
(iii) to multizeta algebra, to show (among other results) how the
complete set of coloured multizetas can be recovered from any of three
small subsets of boundary data (known as "satellites").
For a survey of the chapters on bicoloured multizetas (ch.3-4 of the
2018 version; ch. 5-7 of the 2019 version), see these slides .
For a survey of the chapters on singular perturbations (ch. 2 of the
2018 version; ch. 3-4 of the 2019 version) see these slides .
A compact exposition of the question is also available in sections 2-8
of here , while
sections 9-11 contain new material.
- Resurgent
analysis of singularly perturbed systems: exit Stokes, enter Tes.
(25 pp).
To appear in the Proceedings of the Nov. 2018 Moscow Conference in
Memory of Prof. B. Yu. Sternin.
For the related slides, go there .
- Flexion algebra
meets tree algebra: a tale of asymmetric cross-ferlilisation. (January
2023, 117 pp).
From the abstract: As mathematical objects, finite trees
would seem to be nearly as basic and ubiquitous as the integers,
were it not for their apparent 'chemical inertness', by which we mean
the paucity of natural operations acting on them. As an attempt to
redress this state of affairs, we bring trees into close relation with
Flex(E) -- the flexion polyalgebra generated
by a flexion unit E -- and upload the rich structure of that
polyalgebra onto trees. The rapprochement also benefits Flex(E),
leading in particular to a neat filtration by alternality codegree, to
exact formulae for the corresponding dimensions, and to gratifyingly
explicit expansions for all main elements of Flex(E). We conclude by
introducing a notion of pre-associative algebra, parallel to that of
pre-Lie algebra and
potentially capable of rendering roughly the same services.
- Guided tour through
resurgence theory. (January
2023, 24 pp).
A fast-paced introduction to resurgence and a host of related topics
(alien calculus; acceleration operators; display; the Bridge equations
transseries and analyzable functions; the dichotomies cohesive/loose
and autark/non-autark)
in chronological perspective and in relation to each other.
A --- One or two books on resummation theory and the underlying
B --- One or two books on numerical dimorphy, multizeta
ARI-GARI and the
flexion structure.
- B. Malgrange,
Introduction aux travaux de J. Ecalle ,
Enseignement Math., 31, 1985, pp261-282.
- B. Malgrange,
Travaux d'Ecalle et de Martinet-Ramis sur les systèmes
dynamiques ,
Séminaire Bourbaki, 1981/82, Exposé 582, Astérisque, no.(2-93, S.M.F.,
Paris,1982, p 59-73.
- J.-P. Eckmann , P. Wittwer
Computer methods and Borel summability applied to he
Feigenbaum's equation ,
Lecture Notes in Physics, 227, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1985, # 297 pp
- F. Pham,
Travaux de Voros et d'Ecalle sur l'oscillateur
harmonique ,
Bourbaki, 1982/83 [18]
- B. Candelpergher, J.C.
Nosmas, F. Pham,
Approche de la résurgence ,
Actualités math., Hermann, 1993, Paris (# 290 pp).
- J. van der Hoeven,
Automatic Asymptotics ,
PhD thesis, Paris 7, 1997.
- J. van der Hoeven,
Transseries and real differential algebra ,
Prepub Orsay 2004 #228; published in Lecture Notes.