Updates on the flexion structure.
Tables in illustration of "Eupolars and their bialternality grid".
(A guide to the following
can be found at the very end of section 18 in
Eupolars and their bialternality grid
a1: standard basis of Flex(Pa)
a2: standard basis of Flex(Pi)
a3: standard basis of Flex(E)
a4: slant coefficients for "he"
a5: stack coefficients for "ke"
b1: from diS to S in the "me" basis
b2: from diS to S in the "ne" basis
b3: from diS to S in the "re" basis
c1: from dipil to pil in the "me" basis
c2: from dipil to pil in the "ne" basis
c3: from dipil to pil in the "re" basis
c4: from diripil to ripil in the "me" basis
c5: from diripil to ripil in the "ne" basis
c6: from diripil to ripil in the "re" basis
d1: from dipilev to pilev in the "me" basis
d2: from dipilev to pilev in the "ne" basis
d3: from dipilev to pilev in the "re" basis
d4: from diripilev to ripilev in the "me" basis
d5: from diripilev to ripilev in the "ne" basis
d6: from diripilev to ripilev in the "re" basis
e1: pal, palev, palevv
f1: lar, ral in the standard basis
f2: dilar, diral in the standard basis
f3: visla, visra in the standard basis
g1: talev, talod
g2: talevv, talodd
Current updates:
General update 1: February 2011.
General update 2: March 2011.
Partial update 1: November 2011.
Current complements:
Multitangents and multizetas.
The scramble transform and singular perturbations.
Unit generated flexion algebras and their bisymmetral bimoulds.