
Other webpages

Here are the personal webpages of some friends that I met during my Ph.D.

Balthazar Fléchelles

Francesco Denisi

Gonzalo Ruiz Stolowicz

Mihai Pavel

Yusen Long

And here are the webpages of friends I’ve had the pleasure to meet during my studies in Rennes. In some of these, you may find a lot of resources, pieces of advice and tips about the agrégation de mathématiques.

Bastien Jean

Clarence Kineider

Emilie Tezenas du Montcel

François Ernoult

Magali Jay

Marie Trin

Pierre le Barbenchon

Rémi Moreau

Théo Untrau

Thomas Cavallazzi

Math jokes

Tanya Khovanova, My Favorite Math Jokes. (2024)


accordioning with OSUL in Salle Poirel, 2023 Photo taken by
Vincent Lambert
Instagram : 0vince_photo
pizzicatoing with OSUL in Salle Poirel, 2023 arcoing with OSUL in Salle Poirel, 2023 Photos taken by
Lucie WDL Photographie
Instagram : luciewdlphotographie

(Photos taken during the concert of OSUL at Salle Poirel in Nancy, June 9, 2023.)

Here are some arrangements that I made using Musescore 3 (patching arrangements from other people that are available on the website of Musescore).