The conference "Hyperbolic dynamical systems and resonances" will happen in september 2021, from 6th to 10st.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Porquerolles.
New announcements and reminder
- Arrivals are scheduled on sunday 5th.
- Last departures are scheduled on friday 10st (no rooms are available for the night 10st/11th).
- The conference will start on monday. Please consult
"Practical information" for further details about getting to the center (especially about trains to Hyères).
- A preliminary program is now available.
- Map of the village and location of the IGESA center here (PDF).
The conference will be held at the IGESA Centre, on Porquerolles island, Hyères, France.
This is one of a three-island group directly to the South of Hyères, and South East of Marseille. The IGESA Centre is in the only village on Porquerolles Island, 5 min by foot from the harbour. The Island is part of a national park, which forms one of the last intact natural areas in the Mediterranean basin. It belongs to the armed forces of France as a recreation and meeting location.
For information:
to arrive at the IGESA centre
takes approximately 1h20 from Hyères airport
and 1h45 from the Toulon train station (taxi and boat transport).
Organization committee: