Samuel Lelièvre

• research •

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• [with R. Silhol] Multi-geodesic tessellations, fractional Dehn twists and uniformization.
Preprint (2007). [pdf] [2up.pdf]


Siegel-Veech constants in H(2).
Geometry and Topology 10 (2006), 1157-1172 (electronic). [pdf] [2up.pdf]

• [avec E. Royer] Orbitwise countings in H(2) and quasimodular forms.
International Mathematics Research Notices 2006, Art. ID 42151, 30 pp. [pdf] [2up.pdf]
[titre initial: Counting integer points by Teichmüller discs in ΩM(2)]

• [with P. Hubert] Noncongruence subgroups in H(2).
International Mathematics Research Notices 2005:1 (2005), 47-64.
Let me know if you don't find this paper.

• [with P. Hubert] Prime arithmetic Teichmüller discs in H(2).
Israel Journal of Mathematics 151 (2006), 281-321. [pdf] [2up.pdf]
[first circulated as: Square-tiled surfaces in H(2)]


Arithmetic Veech surfaces in genus two:
Teichmüller discs, Veech groups and Siegel-Veech constants

Defended in Rennes on 10 December 2004. Advisor: Anton Zorich.

Available here: [pdf] and [2up.pdf] ("2up": "2 pages per page").


• (note) Quasimodular forms with Fourier coefficients zero at primes.
Note, 2004.
Available here: [pdf].

• (note) Veech surfaces associated with rational billiards.
Available on arXiv under reference math.GT/0205249.
- table "Series of triangles with the Veech property" (ps, ps.gz);
- table "Beginning of the list of all rational triangles" (ps, ps.gz).

Last modification 2007-05-17. Samuel Lelièvre