Mathematics in Lean
1. Introduction
2. Basics
3. Logic
4. Sets and Functions
5. Number Theory
6. Topology
Mathematics in Lean
Mathematics in Lean
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Mathematics in Lean
1. Introduction
1.1. Getting Started
1.2. Overview
2. Basics
2.1. Calculating
2.2. Proving Identities in Algebraic Structures
2.3. Using Theorems and Lemmas
2.4. More on Order and Divisibility
2.5. Proving Facts about Algebraic Structures
3. Logic
3.1. Implication and the Universal Quantifier
3.2. The Existential Quantifier
3.3. Negation
3.4. Conjunction and Bi-implication
3.5. Disjunction
3.6. Sequences and Convergence
4. Sets and Functions
4.1. Sets
4.2. Functions
4.3. The Schröder-Bernstein Theorem
5. Number Theory
5.1. Irrational Roots
5.2. Induction and Recursion
5.3. Infinitely Many Primes
6. Topology
6.1. Filters