A spectral gap for transfer operators of piecewise expanding maps
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, volume 30 (3), pp. 917-944, July 2011.
A Dobrushin uniqueness criterion for interacting markovian systems with synchronous updating
A generalized central limit theorem in infinite ergodic theory
Probability Theory and Related Fields, volume 158 (3-4), pp. 597-636, April 2014. Erratum.
Variations on a central limit theorem in infinite ergodic theory
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, volume 35 (5), pp. 1610-1657, 2015.
Local time and first return time for periodic semi-flows
Israel Journal of Mathematics, volume 215, pp. 53-98, 2016.
Potential kernel, hitting probabilities and distributional asymptotics
With Françoise Pène. To appear in Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems.
Keplerian shear in ergodic theory
To appear in the Annales Henri Lebesgue.
Ratio ergodic theorems: from Hopf to Birkhoff and Kingman
With Hans-Henrik Rugh. Preprint.
Central limit theorems for the Z^2-periodic Lorentz gas
With Françoise Pène. To appear in the Israel Journal of Mathematics.
Probabilistic potential theory and induction of dynamical systems
With Françoise Pène. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré - Probabilités et Statistiques. 2021, Vol. 57, No. 3, 1736--1767.
Sinai billiard maps with Ruelle resonances
Nonlinearity. 2020, Vol.33, No. 12, 6971.
Potential theory and Z^d-extensions (preprint)
My notes (fr) for the seminar "Geometry of groups, symplectic and contact geometries",
organised by Camille Horbez and Anne Vaugon.
Some notes (fr), titled "Billards, tours de Young et paires standards", written for the workshop
in ergodic theory at the university of Orsay. They are a short and technical introduction to hyperbolic billiards, to some tools used in their study (Young towers and standard pairs), and to some applications of
averaging methods to billiards. I presented a second talk on the averaging methods themselves, following the excellent introduction by Jacopo de Simoi and Carlangelo Liverani.
My PhD dissertation, "Théorèmes limites pour les sommes de Birkhoff de fonctions de moyenne nulle en théorie ergodique en mesure infinie", defended on December 10th, 2013 (fr).
A Beamer (fr) for the lecture on "Volumes mixtes et théorème d'Hadwiger", Journées Louis Antoine on convexity, Rennes, April 5th, 2012.