jan. 2025
Intervenant : | Iulia Cristian |
Institution : | LJLL |
Heure : | 14h00 - 15h00 |
Lieu : | 1A13 |
Coagulation equations describe the evolution in time of a system of particles that are characterized by their volume. Multi-dimensional coagulation equations have been used in recent years in order to include more information about the system.
In this talk, we introduce the standard coagulation model. Depending on the interaction speed of the particles, solutions may lose mass instantaneously. We then pass to the multi-dimensional setting and see how this property changes. We also establish clear connections between one-dimensional and multi-dimensional models.
If time allows, we study in more detail a multi-dimensional model that is inhomogeneous in space and contains a transport term in the spatial variable modeling the sedimentation of clusters. This is from a paper with B. Niethammer and J. J. L. Velázquez.
Attention: Exceptionnellement, le séminaire sera en salle 1A13.