oct. 2024
Intervenant : | Adi Onus |
Institution : | Queen Mary University of London |
Heure : | 11h00 - 12h00 |
Lieu : | 2L8 |
Periodic point clouds naturally arise when modelling large homogenous structures like crystals. They are naturally attributed with a map to a d-dimensional torus given by the quotient of translational symmetries, however there are many surprisingly subtle problems one encounters when studying their (persistent) homology. It turns out that bisheaves are a useful tool to study periodic data sets, as they unify several different approaches to study such spaces. The theory of bisheaves and persistent local systems was recently introduced by MacPherson and Patel as a method to study data with an attributed map to a manifold through the fibres of this map. The theory allows one to study the data locally, while also naturally being able to appeal to local systems of (co)sheaves to study the global behaviour of this data. It is particularly useful, as it permits a persistence theory which generalises the notion of persistent homology. In this talk I will present recent work on the theory and implementation of bisheaves and local systems to study the (persistent) homology of periodic cellular complexes.