Directed animals as branching-annihilating particles systems, through intertwining with Edouard Maurel-Ségala and Arvind Singh, January 2025
- On cases where Litt’s game is fair , with Anne-Laure Basdevant, Edouard Maurel-Ségala and Arvind Singh, June 2024
- A periodic Kingman model for the balance between mutation and selection with Camille Coron, May 2024
Published papers
- The local limit of rooted directed animals on the square lattice with Edouard Maurel-Ségala and Arvind Singh, PTRF (2024)
- Parking on the infinite binary tree with David Aldous, Alice Contat, Nicolas Curien, PTRF (2023)
- The phase transition for parking on Galton-Watson trees with Nicolas Curien, Discrete Analysis (2022)
- On trees invariant under edge contraction with Pascal Maillard, Journal de l'École polytechnique, 3 (2016), p. 365-400
- The fixation line in the Lambda-coalescent Ann. Appl. Probab. (2015), Vol. 25, No. 5, 3007-3032
- Change of measure in the lookdown particle system, SPA 123 (2013), 2054-2083
- Stable continuous branching processes with immigration and Beta-Fleming-Viot processes with immigration with Clément Foucart, EJP 18 (2013), no. 23, 1-21
- A Williams' Decomposition for Spatially Dependent Superprocesses with Jean-François Delmas, EJP 18 (2013), no. 1801, 1-43
(not intended for publication)