Séminaire Géométrie symplectique et de contact
Classification of split tori in S^2 × S^2 and applications
Nov. 2024
Nov. 2024
Intervenant : | Joé Brendel |
Institution : | Zurich |
Heure : | 14h30 - 15h30 |
Lieu : | 3L8 |
A split torus in S2 × S2 is a Lagrangian torus obtained as the product of circles in the factors. The goal of this talk is to give a classification up to symplectomorphisms of such tori and illustrate that interesting things happen in case the symplectic form is non-monotone. Among other applications, we will answer a question about Lagrangian packings posed by Polterovich-Shelukhin. This is partially based on joint work with Joontae Kim.