On physical measures of multi-singular hyperbolic vector fields
avec X. Wang, D. Yang et J. Zhang.
À paraître aux Transactions of the AMS.
On the nonlinear Poincaré flow
avec D. Yang.
À paraître à Nonlinearity
Hénon maps: a list of open problems
Julia Xénelkis de Hénon (collectif).
Arnold Mathematical Journal
10 (2024), 585-620.
Mildly dissipative diffeomorphisms of the disk with zero entropy
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Acta Mathematica
232 (2024), 221-323.
Uniqueness of u-Gibbs measures for hyperbolic skew products on T4
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Commun. Math. Phys. 405 (2024), Paper No. 215.
On the existence of SRB measures for C∞ surface diffeomorphisms
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Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN. 24 (2023), 20812-20826.
Continuity properties of Lyapunov exponents for surface diffeomorphisms
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Inventiones Mathematicae.
230 (2022), 767-849.
Germ-typicality of the coexistence of infinitely many sinks
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Advances in Math.
407 (2022), 108528, 51 pp.
Measures of maximal entropy for surface diffeomorphisms
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Annals of Math.
195 (2022), 421-508.
Symplectomorphisms with positive metric entropy
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Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society.
124 (2022), 691-712.
C1-density of stable ergodicity
avec A. Avila et A. Wilkinson.
Advances in Math.
379 (2021), 107496, 68 pp.
Robust transitivity of singular hyperbolic attractors
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Mathematische Zeitschrift.
298 (2021), 469-488.
Finiteness of partially hyperbolic attractors with one-dimensional center
avec R. Potrie et M. Sambarino.
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On the notions of singular domination and (multi-)singular hyperbolicity
avec A. Da Luz, D. Yang et J. Zhang.
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Fixed point sets of isotopies on surfaces
avec F. Béguin et F. Le Roux.
Journal of the European Mathematical Society
22 (2020), 1971-2046.
Empirical measures of partially hyperbolic attractors
avec D. Yang et J. Zhang.
Commun. Math. Phys.
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Hyperbolicity versus non-hyperbolic ergodic measures inside homoclinic classes
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39 (2019), 1805-1823.
Ergodic properties of bimodal circle maps
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39 (2019), 1462-1500.
Projective transformations of rotation sets
avec F. Béguin et F. Le Roux.
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Strongly dissipative surface diffeomorphisms
avec E. Pujals.
Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 93 (2018), 377-400.
The entropy of C1 diffeomorphisms without a dominated splitting
avec J. Buzzi et T. Fisher.
Trans. AMS.
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Iterated Functions Systems, Blenders and Parablenders
avec P. Berger et E. Pujals. In: Recent Developments in Fractals and Related Fields.
Trends in Mathematics. Springer
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Local perturbations of conservative C1 diffeomorphisms
avec J. Buzzi et E. T. Fisher. Nonlinearity
30 (2017), 3613-3636.
A dynamical decomposition of the torus into pseudo-circles
avec F. Béguin et T. Jaeger.
In: Modern Theory of Dynamical Systems: A Tribute to Dmitry Victorovich Anosov.
Contemporary Mathematics, Amer. Math. Soc.
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Diffeomorphisms with positive metric entropy
avec A. Avila et A. Wilkinson. Publ. Math. IHES.
124 (2016), 319-347.
Center manifolds for partially hyperbolic set without strong unstable connections
avec C. Bonatti.
Journal de l'IMJ.
15 (2016), 785-828.
Essential hyperbolicity and homoclinic bifurcations: a dichotomy phenomenon/mechanism for diffeomorphisms
avec E. Pujals.
Inventiones Mathematicae
201 (2015), 385-517.
Partial hyperbolicity and homoclinic tangencies
avec M. Sambarino et D. Yang.
Journal of the European Mathematical Society
17 (2015), 1-49.
On the density of singular hyperbolic three-dimensional vector fields: a conjecture of Palis
avec D. Yang.
C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris
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Dynamics of C1-diffeomorphisms: global description and prospects for classification
Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians. Volume III, 571-595, Kyung Moon, Seoul, 2014.
Tame dynamics and robust transitivity
avec C. Bonatti, N. Gourmelon et R. Potrie.
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The C1+α hypothesis in Pesin theory revisited
avec C. Bonatti et K. Shinohara.
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Internal perturbations of homoclinic classes:non-domination, cycles, and self-replication
avec C. Bonatti, L. Díaz et N. Gourmelon.
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Transitivity and topological mixing for C1 diffeomorphisms
avec F. Abdenur. In
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Realisation of measured dynamics as uniquely ergodic minimal homeomorphisms on manifolds
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Partial hyperbolicity far from homoclinic bifurcations
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Nonuniform hyperbolicity for C1-generic diffeomorphisms
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Birth of homoclinic intersections:
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The C1-generic diffeomorphism has trivial centralizer
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Denjoy constructions for fibred homeomorphisms of the torus
avec F. Béguin, T. Jaeger et F. Le Roux.
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Local density of diffeomorphisms with large centralizers
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C1-generic conservative diffeomorphisms have trivial centralizer
avec C. Bonatti et A. Wilkinson.
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The centralizer of a C1 generic diffeomorphism is trivial
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Construction of curious minimal uniquely ergodic
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Global dominated splittings and the C1 Newhouse phenomenom
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Récurrence et généricité
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Recurrence and genericity
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Saddle-node bifurcation for hyperbolic sets
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Nombre de rotation presque sûr des endomorphismes
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Exposés, notes de cours