Rémi Leclercq
5 (+1)
5 (+1)
- In the list above ↑, videoconferences are between ().
- The talks I gave during the mini workshops organized via our ANR project CoSpIn are listed here.
- * talks in international conferences or colloquium type
- Since 2021
- 25.03.28 - Séminaire Géométries - Université de Lyon
- 25.01.30 - Séminaire de Topologie, Géométrie et Algèbre - Université de Nantes
Neighborhoods of non-displacement for Lagrangian submanifolds and applications
- 24.11.22 - Nantes-Orsay seminar on symplectic and contact geometry - Université Paris-Saclay, Orsay
Topological properties of orbits of Lagrangians and the Lagrangian C⁰ Flux conjecture
- 24.10.07 - Symplectic geometry seminar - ETH, Zürich
Local exactness of nearby Lagrangians and topological properties of orbits of Lagrangians
- * 24.08.23 - Sixth Workshop on Symplectic Geometry - Beograd (webpage)
Weinstein exactness of nearby Lagrangians and C⁰ symplectic geometry
- 24.03.01 - Séminaire Symplectix - Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris
Essential loops of Hamiltonian homeomorphisms
- 24.02.20 - Math department seminar - Uppsala University
Essential loops of Hamiltonian homeomorphisms
- 23.12.19 - Geometria em Lisboa Seminar - Zoom / Lisboa (video + slides)
Essential loops of Hamiltonian homeomorphisms
- * 23.08.21 - Fifth Workshop on Symplectic Geometry - Beograd
On the fundamental group of the C⁰ closure of Ham
- * 23.05.29-31 - DataShape annual seminar - Porquerolles
Persistence and C⁰ symplectic geometry (mini-courses, 3 hours)
- * 21.03.06 - Micro-conference on C⁰ topology and related matters - Zoom / Université de Montréal (video + slides)
Flexibility and rigidity in C⁰ symplectic topology
- 2011 - 2020
- * 17.01.26 - Conference CAST, contact and symplectic topology - Université de Nantes (webpage)
Spectral invariants and Hofer distances in monotone symplectic manifolds
- 16.12.02 - BKM seminar on symplectic and contact geometry - Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Spectral invariants and Hofer distances in monotone symplectic manifolds
- * 16.10.10 - Journée scientifique en l'honneur du Doctorat Honoris Causa de Dusa Mc Duff - UPMC, Paris
Spectral invariants (in 50 minutes)
- 16.06.21 - Séminaire de géométrie - Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse
Rigidité coisotrope et réduction des homéomorphismes symplectiques
- 16.05.15 - Geometry and topology seminar - University of Haifa
Rigidity phenomena in C⁰-symplectic topology
- 16.02.22 - Séminaire géométrie et applications - IRMA, Strasbourg
Rigidité coisotrope et réduction des homéomorphismes symplectiques
- * 16.01.19 - Conference: C⁰-symplectic geometry and Hamiltonian dynamics - Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris
Reduction of symplectic homeomorphisms
- 15.04.27 - Geometry seminar - MIT, Cambridge
Rigidity phenomena in C⁰-symplectic topology
- 15.03.12 - Geometry seminar - Universidade do Porto
Rigidity phenomena in C⁰-symplectic topology
- * 14.07 - Conference: Contact topology in dimension three and higher - University College London (webpage)
Rigidity phenomena in C⁰-symplectic topology
- 14.02.04 - Geometria em Lisboa - IST, Lisboa
C⁰-Rigidity in symplectic topology
- * 14.01.23 - Conference: C⁰-symplectic topology and dynamical systems - IBS, Pohang (webpage + video)
Rigidity of coisotropic submanifolds
- 13.03.28 - Séminaire de topologie, géométrie et algèbre - Université de Nantes
Unicité des "générateurs" continus d'homéotopies symplectiques
- 12.11.27 - Séminaire de géométrie - Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse
Unicité des "générateurs" continus d'isotopies symplectiques
- 12.10.05 - Séminaire Symplectix - Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris
Uniqueness of continuous Hamiltonians
- 11.11.10 - Séminaire de topologie et dynamique - Université Paris-Sud, Orsay
Invariance homologique de sous-variétés lagrangiennes
- 11.03.29 - Informal Geometry Seminar - IST, Lisboa
Introduction to the Hamiltonian diffeomorphism group (with particular focus on Hofer's distance)
- 11.02.10 - Oberseminar Geometrie - MPIM, Bonn
Homological "stability" of weakly exact Lagrangians
- 2010
- 11.04 - Seminar on Symplectic and Contact Topology - ULB, Brussels
11.02 - Geometria em Lisboa Seminar - IST, Lisboa
Homological "stability" of weakly exact Lagrangians
- 10.26, 11.02 and 11.16 - Working Seminar - IST, Lisboa
Seidel's morphism and applications
- * 05.11 - CIRGET reunion, 13th anniversary - UQÀM, Montréal
Triviality of the relative Seidel morphism for symplectically aspherical Lagrangians and consequences
- 04.28 - Seminari di Geometria - Università di Pisa
* 03.16 - Colloque du mardi - Unine, Neuchâtel
Homological "stability" of weakly exact Lagrangians
- 03.08 - Symplectic Geometry Seminar - ETH Zürich
Lagrangian spectral invariants and homological Lagrangian monodromy
- 2009
- 11.26 - Séminaire du CIRGET junior - Université du Québec à Montréal
04.10 - Séminaire de géométrie hamiltonienne - Université de Paris 6
04.03 - Séminaire Gaston Darboux - Université de Montpellier
The Seidel morphism of Cartesian products
- 02.11 and 02.16 - Symplectic Geometry Seminar - Universität Leipzig
The Seidel morphism and applications
- 2008
- 12.10 - Séminaire de Géométrie et Topologie - Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse
Invariants spectraux lagrangiens et géométrie de Hofer des lagrangiennes
- 06.13 - Mathematisches Kolloquium - LMU, Munich
04.04 - Séminaire Symplect'X - École Polytechnique, Paris
03.14 - Séminaire de topologie du laboratoire Paul Painlevé - USTL, Lille
Invariants spectraux lagrangiens d'ordre 2 et supérieur
- 01.28 - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Symplektische Geometrie - Universität Leipzig
Spectral invariants and Hofer's geometries (and Viterbo's recent work)
- 2007
- 12.10 - Séminaire de Géométrie symplectique - IRMA, Strasbourg
11.23 - Brussels-Cologne seminar on symplectic and contact geometry - ULB, Bruxelles
11.15 - Oberseminar Geometrie - Max Planck Institute, Leipzig
Spectral invariants of order 2 and higher for Lagrangian intersection Floer theory
- 07.13 - Defense of Ph.D. thesis - Université de Montréal
Invariants spectraux en homologie de Floer lagrangienne
- * 05.14 - Workshop: "New Applications and Generalizations of Floer Theory" - BIRS, Banff
Lagrangian invariants of higher order for Floer homology
- 2006
- 11.27 and 11.29 - Symplectic seminar - Courant Institute, NY
27 - Lagrangian spectral numbers : definition and properties
29 - Lagrangian spectral invariants of higher order
- * 10.07 - Western Section Meeting of the AMS - University of Utah (webpage)
Spectral invariants in Lagrangian intersections Floer theory
- 03.21 - Symplectic seminar - Université de Montréal
Invariance forte des invariants spectraux lagrangiens