Nicolas Burq 



Département de Mathématiques 

Français page


Département de Mathématiques,

Universite Paris-Saclay,

Bat. 307, 91405 Orsay Cedex


Bureau: 3A11 (3rd floor)

Curriculum vitae

ERC project GEOEDP

Many physics models are described by wave or more generally dispersive equations (Schro ̈dinger equa- tions) with propagation in a non homogeneous and bounded medium. Toy models (mostly in flat backgrounds) have been developed by mathematicians. However, many questions remain open even on these simplified mod- els in the presence of inhomogeneities and boundaries. In particular, the works of mathematicians in the last decade have allowed to exhibit some pathological behaviours which appear to be quite unstable.

A first point in this proposal will be to expand the understanding of the influence of the geometry (inhomo- geneities of the media, boundaries) on the behaviour of solutions to dispersive PDE’s.

When these behaviours appear to be unstable, a natural question is whether they are actually rare. The last years have seen the emergence of a new point of view on these questions: random data Cauchy theories. The idea behind is that for random initial data, the solution’s behaviours are better than expected (deterministically). The second point of this project is precisely to go further in this direction. After identifying these pathological behaviours, is it possible to show that for almost all initial data, almost all geometries, they do not happen?

Understanding how to combine the powerful techniques from micro-local and harmonic analysis with a probabilistic approach in this context should allow a much better understanding of these physically relevant models. Summarising, the purpose of my project is to develop tools and give answers to the following questions in the context of dispersive PDE’s (and to some extent fluids mechanics)

Can we understand the influence of the geometric background (and boundaries) on the concentration properties and the behaviour of solutions to dispersive evolution PDE’s?

Can we define generic behaviours for solutions to waves and fluids PDE’s ? Can we show that some very pathological behaviours (which do happen) are actually very rare?

Call for applications ERC GEOEDP project

Two PhD grants starting after September 1, 2024.

 Two two-year post-docs on the project's themes. One will start between September 1, 2024 and October 1, 2025, and the other between September 1, 2025 and October 1, 2026.

Candidates will work on the project's themes
-- Study of the influence of geometry on the concentration and dispersion properties of PDE solutions
-- Semi-classical micro-local analysis,
-- Study of the influence of randomness on the behavior of nonlinear dispersive PDE solutions.

Send cover letter & CV to
An initial decision will be taken on June 30, 2024, based on the applications received by that date. The call for applications will be extended for positions not filled by this date.

Some talks


My articles on scattering theory

My articles on the control of wave and Schrödinger equations  

My articles on non linear wave and Schrödinger equations


My articles on the behaviour of Laplace eigenfunctions ond linear evolution equations


My articles on random data PDE's and more generally randomness and PDE's


My articles on the free boundary water-waves system