W-algebras and applications

W-algebras and applications

Monday 16-18, room E (Dipartimento di Matematica "Guido Castelnuovo")
Sapienza Università di Roma
October 7--28, 2024

W-algebras are certain vertex algebras associated with nilpotent elements of a simple Lie algebra. The apparence of the AGT conjecture in physics led many researchers toward to these algebraic structures. W-algebras were introduced and developed by Zamolodchikov, Fateev-Lukyanov, Feigin-Frenkel and Kac-Roan-Wakimoto, while their finite-dimensional analogues, the finite W-algebras introduced by Premet, are important in classical problems in representation theory. They generalize both Virasoro and Kac-Moody vertex algebras. Since they are not generated by Lie algebras, the formalism of vertex algebras is necessary to study them.

The lectures will start with a short introduction to vertex algebras and basic examples. Then we will explain the construction of W-algebras that are obtained from affine vertex algebras by the BRST construction. We will also discuss some applications of equivariant W-algebras that play a key role in the quantum geometric Langlands correspondence.

Tentative plan:

Monday, October 07 Introduction to vertex algebras and basic examples: affine vertex algebras and chiral differential operators.
Monday, October 14 Chiral Peter-Weyl theorem for chiral differential operators and spectral flows.
Monday, October 21 BRST contructions in the commutative setting (Slodowy slices) and the chiral setting (W-algebras).
Monday, October 28 Modules over equivariant W-algebras using the notion of spectral flows and applications.

Some references:

Tomoyuki Arakawa, Representation theory of W-algebras, Invent. Math. (2007).
Tomoyuki Arakawa and Anne Moreau, Arc spaces and vertex algebras, online book.
Tomoyuki Arakawa and Anne Moreau, Arc spaces and chiral symplectic cores, PRIMS (2021).
Sergey Arkhipov and Dennis Gaitsgory, Differential Operators on the Loop Group via Chiral Algebras, IMRN (2002).
Alberto De Sole and Victor Kac, Finite vs affine W-algebras, Jpn. J. Math (2006).
Wee Liang Gan and Victor Ginzburg, Quantization of Slodowy slices, IMRN 2002.
Alexander Premet, Special transverse slices and their enveloping algebras, Advances in Mathematics (2002).
Damien Simon, PhD thesis, in preparation.
Minxian Zhu, Vertex operator algebras associated to modified regular representations of affine Lie algebras, Adv. in Math. (2018).