Berkovich motives study group - Winter 2025

This study group is devoted to reading Scholze's new paper Berkovich motives. It defines a category of étale motivic sheaves in a wider degree of generality than was previously available, with applications to algebraic K-theory and to the Langlands programme.

The study group meets on Friday afternoons, at 2pm, at Orsay in room 3L8 (unless otherwise noted). Everyone is welcome. The approximate schedule may be found below.

Note that the study group will not meet on the following dates: 17 January. Unlike what was previously indicated, there will be a meeting on 21 February.

Change of room and time: On 7 February the study group takes place 1pm-3pm (one hour earlier than usual) in room 2L8 (one floor lower than usual), to avoid conflict with a PhD defence at 3pm. Thereafter we revert to the usual place and time.

There will be no meeting on 14 and 21 March because so many people are away (Annual Simons meeting, Tate conference, Regensburg motivic homotopy, and Belgian-Dutch Algebraic Geometry).

Send me an email if you want to be added to the mailing list.

Chapter Speaker Date
1. Introduction Matthew Morrow 10 January
Break No meeting 17 January
2. Banach rings and Berkovich spectrum Ran Azouri 24 January
3. The arc-topology (+beginning of chapter 4?) Tasos Moulinos 31 January
4. Finitary arc-sheaves Hyungseop Kim 7 February
5. Effective motives - first part Yuanyang Jiang 14 February ♥
5. Effective motives - second part Ryomei Iwasa 21 February
6. Free motivic sheaves Dmitry Kubrak 28 February
7. The cancellation theorem Dmitry Kubrak 7 March
Break No meeting 14 and 21 March
8. K-theory Ayman Toufik 28 March
10. Dmot(C) Marco Robalo
11. Dmot(k) also Marco Robalo?
12. Relation to v-stacks Qixiang Wang