Main research themes.
Resurgent functions.
Analysis of Local Objects: the Bridge equation.
Synthesis of Local Objects: the antipodal involution.
Acceleration operators.
Cohesive functions and the Great Divide.
Autark functions.
Transseries and analyzable functions.
Testing the new methods: the finiteness theorem for limit-cycles.
Testing the new methods: KAM theory and the non-existence of SMSD (super-multiple small denominators).
Mould calculus.
Bimoulds. ARI/GARI and the flexion structure.
Flexion algebra meets tree algebra.
Arithmetical dimorphy for multizetas. Canonical irreducibles.
General arithmetical dimorphy. The ring of naturals.
The systematic quest for exotic derivations.
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Resurgent functions and alien derivations.
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Analysis of Local Objects: the Bridge equation.
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Synthesis of Local Objects: the antipodal involution.
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Acceleration operators.
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Cohesive functions and the Great Divide.
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Autark functions.
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Transseries and analyzable functions.
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Testing the new methods: the finiteness theorem for limit-cycles.
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Testing the new methods: KAM theory and the non-existence of SMSD (super-multiple small denominators).
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Mould calculus.
See also
Deux mots sur les moules =>
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Bimoulds. ARI/GARI and the flexion structure.
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Flexion algebra meets tree algebra. Canonical irreducibles.
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Arithmetical dimorphy for multizetas. Canonical irreducibles and perinomal calculus.
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General arithmetical dimorphy. The ring of naturals.
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The systematic quest for exotic derivations.
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