
Extremal Metrics and Relative K-Stability

Stability of bundles Vs. varieties

EMARKS Summer Session 2019 in Brest (France)

June 24th to 26th, 2019, at Université de Bretagne Occidentale

The aim of this workshop is to compare methods and results related to canonical metrics on bundle and varieties.

Registration is free but mandatory; to register, please send an email to one of the organizers listed below.


E. Legendre, Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées,

C. Tipler, Université de Bretagne Occidentale,


Thibaut Delcroix (IRMA, Strasbourg) —
Canonical metrics on Fano horosymmetric manifolds
Ruadhaí Dervan (University of Cambridge, UK) —
Canonical metrics on fibrations
Mario Garcia-Fernandez (ICMAT, Madrid) —
Coupled equations on bundles and varieties
Eveline Legendre/Rosa Sena-Dias (IST, Lisbon)
Yann Rollin (LMJL, Nantes) —
Discrete geometry and isotropic surfaces
Roberto Rubio (UAB, Barcelona) —
Higgs bundle, the Toledo invariant, and the Cayley correspondence

Schedule — abstracts — map — Participants