Resumé (format pdf) de mes
activités de recherche
avec liste de publication.
Most of my articles :
Schwarzian Versus a Family of Moving Parabolic Points
with Tan Lei and Yang Fei,
Regularity of characteristic exponents and linear response for
transfer operator cocycles, with Julien Sedro,
Entropy continuity for interval maps with holes
with Oscar Bandtlow,
Rational maps as Schwarzian primitives,
with Guizhen Cui, Gao Yan and
Tan Lei,
The Milnor-Thurston determinant and the Ruelle transfer operator
Kneading with weights,
with Tan Lei.
J. Fractal Geometry,
vol 2, 339-375 (2015)
Complexified cones. Spectral gaps and variational principles,
with L Dubois (preprint 2010)
A uniform contraction principle for bounded Apollonian embeddings,
with L Dubois
Cones and gauges in complex spaces: Spectral
gaps and complex Perron-Frobenius theory
On the regularity of the extinction probability of a branching
process in varying and random environments,
with S Alili
On the dimensions of conformal repellers. Randomness
and parameter dependency
Eigenfunctions for smooth expanding circle maps,
with G Keller,
Nonlinearity, vol 17, no 5, 1723-1730 (2004).
Coupled maps and analytic function spaces
Dynamical determinants via dynamical conjugacies for
postcritically finite polynomials, with V Baladi et Y Jiang,
Floquet Spectrum of Weakly Coupled Map Lattices, with V Baladi,
Comm.Math.Phys., 220, 561-582 (2001).
Microthermodynamic formalism ,
Phys Rev E vol 64, no 5 055101-055104 (2001).
Transfer Operators for Coupled Analytic Maps , with T Fischer,
Erg Th and Dyn Syst,
20 109-143 (2000).
Lyapunov bounds for lattice gauge dynamics ,
Comm Math Phys, 200, 487-494 (1999).
Intermittency and Regularized Fredholm Determinants,
Inv Math , 135, 1-24 (1999).
Geometric, dynamical approach to thermodynamics,
J Phys A: MAth Gen, 31, 7761-7770 (1998).
A Dynamical Approach to Temperature,
Phys Rev Lett, 78, no 4, 772-774 (1997).
Experimental Math,, Taylor & Francis,
DOI : 10.1080/10586458.2021.2011807
Comm. Math. Phys,, vol 383, no 2,
1243-1289 (2021)
Ergodic Th and Dyn Syst,, vol 6, 2036-2061,
Science China Math., vol 59,
doi: 10.1007/s11425-016-5140-7 (2016)
Comm. Math. Phys.,
vol 342, no 2, 603-614 (2016)
Conformal Geometry and Dynamics
vol 11, 64-71 (2011)
Annals of Math,
vol 171, no 3, 1702-1752 (2010).
Nonlinearity, vol 21, no 2, 353 - 359 (2008).
Annals of Math, vol 168, no 3, 695-748 (2008).
Ann.Sci.Ec.Norm.Sup., 4e serie, 35, 489-535 (2002).
Comm.Math.Phys., vol 108, no 516, 973-993 (2002).