Resumé (format pdf) de mes
activités de recherche
avec liste de publication.
Most of my articles :
Schwarzian Versus a Family of Moving Parabolic Points
with Tan Lei and Yang Fei,
Experimental Math,, Taylor & Francis,
DOI : 10.1080/10586458.2021.2011807
Regularity of characteristic exponents and linear response for
transfer operator cocycles, with Julien Sedro,
Comm. Math. Phys,, vol 383, no 2,
1243-1289 (2021)
Entropy continuity for interval maps with holes
with Oscar Bandtlow,
Ergodic Th and Dyn Syst,, vol 6, 2036-2061,
Rational maps as Schwarzian primitives,
with Guizhen Cui, Gao Yan and
Tan Lei,
Science China Math., vol 59,
doi: 10.1007/s11425-016-5140-7 (2016)
The Milnor-Thurston determinant and the Ruelle transfer operator
Comm. Math. Phys.,
vol 342, no 2, 603-614 (2016)
Kneading with weights,
with Tan Lei.
J. Fractal Geometry,
vol 2, 339-375 (2015)
Complexified cones. Spectral gaps and variational principles,
with L Dubois (preprint 2010)
A uniform contraction principle for bounded Apollonian embeddings,
with L Dubois
Conformal Geometry and Dynamics
vol 11, 64-71 (2011)
Cones and gauges in complex spaces: Spectral
gaps and complex Perron-Frobenius theory
Annals of Math,
vol 171, no 3, 1702-1752 (2010).
On the regularity of the extinction probability of a branching
process in varying and random environments,
with S Alili
Nonlinearity, vol 21, no 2, 353 - 359 (2008).
On the dimensions of conformal repellers. Randomness
and parameter dependency
Annals of Math, vol 168, no 3, 695-748 (2008).
Eigenfunctions for smooth expanding circle maps,
with G Keller,
Nonlinearity, vol 17, no 5, 1723-1730 (2004).
Coupled maps and analytic function spaces
Ann.Sci.Ec.Norm.Sup., 4e serie, 35, 489-535 (2002).
Dynamical determinants via dynamical conjugacies for
postcritically finite polynomials, with V Baladi et Y Jiang,
Comm.Math.Phys., vol 108, no 516, 973-993 (2002).
Floquet Spectrum of Weakly Coupled Map Lattices, with V Baladi,
Comm.Math.Phys., 220, 561-582 (2001).
Microthermodynamic formalism ,
Phys Rev E vol 64, no 5 055101-055104 (2001).
Transfer Operators for Coupled Analytic Maps , with T Fischer,
Erg Th and Dyn Syst,
20 109-143 (2000).
Lyapunov bounds for lattice gauge dynamics ,
Comm Math Phys, 200, 487-494 (1999).
Intermittency and Regularized Fredholm Determinants,
Inv Math , 135, 1-24 (1999).
Geometric, dynamical approach to thermodynamics,
J Phys A: MAth Gen, 31, 7761-7770 (1998).
A Dynamical Approach to Temperature,
Phys Rev Lett, 78, no 4, 772-774 (1997).