International Conference on Banach methods in Noncommutative Geometry

Monday, June 9 to Friday, June 13, 2014

at the 

Wuhan University, Wuhan, China

Titles and abstracts



Practical Information


Excursion picture


The meeting was around three main themes :

1) Banach K-theory,
2) K-theory, higher signatures and gemetric group theory,
3) Operator spaces, Lp noncommuative spaces.

Lectures were given by the following speakers :

Florent BAUDIER (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu and Texas A&M University),
Kuok Fai CHAO (Fudan University),
Xiaoman CHEN (Fudan University) ,
Lixin CHENG (Xiamen University),  
Chunlan JIANG (Hebei Normal University), 
Hanfeng LI (Chongqing University and SUNY),
Benben LIAO (Université Denis-Diderot Paris 7),
Tao MEI (Wayne State University),
Masato MIMURA (Tohoku University),
Bogdan NICA (University of Göttingen),
Walther PARAVICINI  (University of Münster),
Michael PUSHNIGG (Institut de Mathématiques de Luminy), 
Baptiste OLIVIER (Technion, Haifa),
Hervé OYONO-OYONO (Université de Loraine, Metz),
Narutaka OZAWA (Kyoto RIMS),
Mikael de la SALLE (ENS Lyon),
Xiang TANG (Washington University St Louis),
Hang WANG (University of Adelaide),
Qin WANG (East Normal University, Shanghai),
Zhizhang XIE (Texas A&M),
Guoliang YU (Texas A&M),
Weiping ZHANG (Chern Institute)

Photo de groupe

Financial support :

Application for financial support is now close.

We have provided partial financial support for accomodation or/and travel to a limited number of participants (specially to members of GDR CNRS 2947 Géométrie non commutative or French resident).

Organizing Committee :

Xu Quanhua (Wuhan et Besançon), Ng Chi-Keung (Chern Institute, Nankai), Yu Guoliang (Fudan et Texas AM), Yao Yijun (Fudan),  Pierre-Yves Le Gall (Orsay), Emmanuel Germain (Caen), Maria Paula Gomez Aparicio (Orsay).

This meeting is held as a continuation of the Sino-French summer institute "Noncommutative Geometry" co-organized by GDR CNRS 2947 "Noncommutative Geometry" and Fudan University School of Mathematical Science in July 2012. 

It was part celebration of the 50th birthday of the establishment of the diplomatic relationship between france and China and it was sponsored by Wuhan University, CNRS,  l'Ambassade de France en Chine , Sino-French Research Programs in Mathematics, GDR CNRS 2947 Géométrie Non Commutative