Dynamics, Geometry and Number Theory

Institut Henri Poincaré (Paris)

June 13-17, 2016

A conference in honnor of Gregory Margulis' (Yale University) 70th birthday

The definitive program is available here. The complete list of abstracts is there.

Since Gregory Margulis is Doctor Honoris Causa of the Ecole Normale Supérieure, a welcome cocktail will be organized at the ENS (one block away from the Institut Henri Poincaré), in cour Pasteur (weather permitting), with the support of the Departement de Mathématiques et Applications (DMA, UMR 8553 CNRS). In case of rain, we might relocate the welcome coktail to the ENSCP entry hall (next building from IHP), where coffee breaks will be served.

The talks will be given in the Amphithéatre Hermite, with video transmission in the Amphithéatre Darboux (both of them on the ground floor) of the Institut Henri Poincaré, 11 Rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75005 Paris, FRANCE, except Gregory Margulis talk, Thursday at 4:45pm, which will be held next building, in the ENSCP Amphi.