The seminar will take place at the
Université de Nantes,
Bâtiment de Mathématiques, salle Eole.
Programme |
10:30 |
- Laurent Côté (MPIM Bonn)
- Symplectic cohomology and generalized cohomology
- Abstract: The symplectic cohomology of a Liouville manifold does not in general contain any information about the topology of the manifold. However, Albers--Cieliebak--Frauenfelder and independently Zhao showed that, if one remembers the S^1 action by loop rotation and the action filtration, one can recover the rank of the rational cohomology. In work in progress with Y. Baris Kartal, we propose to revisit these past works in light of new developments in Floer homotopy theory.
14:00 |
- Ailsa Keating
- Symplectomorphisms of some Weinstein manifolds
- Abstract: The purpose of this talk is to re-visit joint work with Paul Hacking. We introduce two new families of four-dimensional symplectomorphisms. These are inspired by mirror symmetry, though the talk will take a symplectic view-point. The basic symplectic manifolds which support these are smoothings of cusp singularities; their topology can be described explicitly. The new symplectomorphisms are a) `Lagrangian translations', which are mirror to tensors with line bundles; and b) `nodal slide recombinations', which are mirror to biholomorphisms. We will focus on hands-on descriptions of these, along with examples.
15:30 |
- Discussions