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Curriculum Vitae
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Ph.D. in Mathematics (1998-2002) at
Stanford University, USA.
Thesis title : A Morse-Bott approach to Contact Homology,
under the supervision of Prof. Yakov Eliashberg. B.S. in Mathematics (1993-97) at Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium,
with "La Plus Grande Distinction".
Senior thesis : Connexions préférées sur une variété symplectique,
under the supervision of Prof. Michel Cahen. Engineer in physics (1993-98) at Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium,
with "La Plus Grande Distinction".
Senior thesis : Optimisation stochastique en fiabilité dynamique,
under the supervision of Prof. Jacques Devooght.
Academic Positions
Professeur, Laboratoire de Mathématiques d'Orsay, Université Paris-Saclay, France (since Sep. 2013).
Professeur, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium (2010-2013).
Chargé de cours, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium (2003-2009).
Postdoc, Ecole
Polytechnique, France (2002-2003).
Liftoff Mathematician,
Clay Mathematics Institute (Summer 2002).
Research Fellow,
National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium (1998-2002).
Teaching Assistant, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium (1997-1998).
Works and Publications
F. Bourgeois, Contact homology of contact manifolds and its applications,
preprint (2024).
S. Pathak, F. Bourgeois, A. Deraemaeker, An Improved Equal-Peak Approach to Derive Optimum Tuned Mass Damper Parameters in the case of MDOF Structures Subjected to Base-Excitation, preprint (2024).
F. Bourgeois, D. Galant, Geography of bilinearized Legendrian contact homology, Algebraic and Geometric Topology 24 (2024) no 7, 3571-3604.
F. Bourgeois, A. Oancea, S^1-equivariant symplectic homology and linearized contact homology, International Mathematics Research Notices 2017 no 13, 3849-3937.
F. Bourgeois, J. Sabloff, L. Traynor, Lagrangian cobordisms via generating families: constructions and geography, Algebraic and Geometric Topology 15 (2015) no 4, 2439-2477.
F. Bourgeois, B. Chantraine, Bilinearised Legendrian contact homology and
the augmentation category, Journal of Symplectic Geometry 12 (2014) no 3, 553-583.
F. Bourgeois, V. Colin, A. Stipsicz (eds), Contact And Symplectic Topology, Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies 26, Springer, 2014.
F. Bourgeois, A. Oancea, The Gysin exact sequence for S^1-equivariant symplectic homology, Journal of Topology and Analysis 5 (2013) no 4, 361-407.
F. Bourgeois, A. Oancea, The index of Floer moduli problems for
parametrized action functionals, Geometriae Dedicata 165 (2013) no 1, 5-24.
F. Bourgeois, Du patinage et de l'optique à la géométrie de contact, Bulletin de la Classe des Sciences de l'Académie royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique (2013), no 6.
F. Bourgeois, T. Ekholm, Y. Eliashberg, Effect of Legendrian surgery, Geometry and Topology 16 (2012), 301-389.
F. Bourgeois, T. Ekholm, Y. Eliashberg, Symplectic homology product via Legendrian surgery, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (2011) no 20, 8114-8121.
A. Deraemaeker, G. Tondreau, F. Bourgeois, Equivalent loads for two-dimensional distributed anisotropic piezoelectric transducers with arbitrary shapes attached to thin plate structures, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 129 (2011) no 2, 681-690.
A. Deraemaeker, G. Tondreau, F. Bourgeois, Equivalent loads for flat piezoelectric transducers attached to shell structures, Proc ECCM 2010, Paris, France, May 2010.
F. Bourgeois, Lectures on symplectic and contact homology, Proceedings of Gökova Geometry-Topology Conference (2010), 1-20.
F. Bourgeois, A. Oancea, Fredholm theory and transversality for the parametrized and for the S^1-invariant symplectic action, Journal of the European Mathematical Society 12 (2010) no 5, 1181-1229.
F. Bourgeois, O. van Koert, Contact homology of left-handed
stabilizations and plumbing of open books, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 12 (2010) no 2, 223-263.
F. Bourgeois, K. Niederkrüger, Towards a good definition of algebraically overtwisted, Expositiones Mathematicae 28 (2010), 85-100.
F. Bourgeois, A survey of contact homology, in "New Perspectives and Challenges in Symplectic Field Theory", CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes 49 (2009), 45-72.
F. Bourgeois, A. Oancea, An exact sequence for contact- and symplectic
homology, Inventiones Mathematicae 175 (2009) no 3, 611-680.
Erratum, Inventiones Mathematicae 200 (2015) no 3, 1065-1076.
F. Bourgeois, A. Oancea, Symplectic Homology, autonomous Hamiltonians, and
Morse-Bott moduli spaces, Duke Mathematical Journal 146 (2009)
no 1, 71-174.
F. Bourgeois, K. Cieliebak, T. Ekholm, A note on Reeb dynamics on the
tight 3-sphere, Journal of Modern Dynamics 1 (2007) No. 4,
F. Bourgeois, Contact homology and homotopy groups of the space of
contact structures, Mathematical Research Letters 13 (2006)
No. 1, 71-85.
F. Bourgeois, V. Colin, Homologie de contact des variétés
toroïdales, Geometry and Topology 9 (2005), 299-313.
F. Bourgeois, K. Mohnke, Coherent orientations in Symplectic Field Theory,
Mathematische Zeitschrift 248 (2004) No. 1, 123-146.
F. Bourgeois, Y. Eliashberg, H. Hofer, K. Wysocki, E. Zehnder, Compactness
results in Symplectic Field Theory, Geometry and Topology
7 (2003), 799-888.
F. Bourgeois, A Morse-Bott approach to Contact Homology, in
"Symplectic and Contact Topology : Interactions and Perspectives",
Fields Institute Communications 35 (2003), 55-77.
F. Bourgeois, Odd dimensional tori are contact manifolds, Int. Math.
Res. Not. 2002 (2002) No. 30, 1571-1574.
F. Bourgeois, P.E. Labeau, Stochastic quasi-gradient based optimization algorithms for dynamic reliability applications, Reliability Engineering and System Safety 71 (2001) No. 1, 65-79.
F. Bourgeois, P.E. Labeau, Stochastic programming in dynamic
reliability, ESREL '99, Safety and Reliability (1999) 913-919.
F. Bourgeois, M. Cahen, Can one define a preferred symplectic
connection, Reports on Mathematical Physics 43
(1999) No. 1/2, 35-42.
F. Bourgeois, M. Cahen, A variational principle for symplectic
connections, Journal of Geometry and Physics 30
(1999) 233-265.
Grants and Honors
Coordinator of the ANR project "COSY" (2022-2025).
Member of the ANR project "Quantact" (2017-2021).
Member of the ANR project "Microlocal" (2015-2021).
Member of the Institut Universitaire de France (2014-2019).
Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium, Class of Sciences (elected March 2012).
Interuniversity Attraction Pole (ULB-UCL-ULg-KUL, 2012-2017) with P. Gaspard for ULB.
Action de Recherche Concertée (2010-2015) with S. Gutt and J. Fine.
ULB Foundation Prize 2010 in exact and natural sciences.
Research Networking Programme "Contact and Symplectic Topology",
European Science Foundation (2010-2015).
ERC Starting Grant (2009-2014).
Partenariat Hubert Curien Tournesol (Belgium-France, 2009 and 2010) with A. Oancea.
François Deruyts Prize, Académie Royale de Belgique (2006).
Mathematics Prize L. Godeaux, Société Royale des Sciences
de Liège, Belgium (2006).
Research grant from Fonds de
la Recherche Fondamentale Collective, Belgium (2006-2011).
Stanford Graduate Fellowship (class of 1998).
Honorary grantee of the USIA Fulbright Program (1998).
Medal of ULB for B.S. in Engineering (1998).
Medal of ULB for B.S. in Mathematics (1997).
Solvay Award for M.Sc. thesis in Engineering (1999).
Fréérich Prize for 3rd, 4th and 5th years in Engineering at ULB (1995-98).
Sterpenich Prize for 3rd year in Mathematics at ULB (1995-96).
Fleurice Mercier Prize for 2nd year in Sciences at ULB (1994-95).
Fleurice Mercier Prize for 1st year in Sciences at ULB (1993-94).
Third Prize in the
International Mathematics Olympiad 1993 in Istanbul.
Since 2013: Professeur in the Laboratoire de Mathématiques d'Orsay (UPSay).
Classes: | Arithmétique (M1 maths fondamentales, since 2022-2023) |
Analyse (PCSO, 2022-2023) | |
Algèbre linéaire (L1, 2019-2020 to 2022-2023) | |
Logique et démonstrations assistées par ordinateur (LDD1 Info-Math, 2019-2020 to 2023-2024) | |
Analyse pour la physique (L2 physique, 2020-2021 and 2021-2022) | |
Théorie spectrale (M1 magistère, 2019-2020 to 2021-2022 and 2023-2024) | |
Groupes et géométrie (M2 AAG, 2015-2016 to 2019-2020) | |
Introduction aux systèmes dynamiques (M1 magistère, 2013-2014 and 2014-2015) |
Classes: | MATH-F-110: Problèmes et méthodes en mathématiques (2012-2013) |
MATH-F-215: Mécanique | |
MATH-F-310: Géométrie Différentielle | |
MATH-F-420: Géométrie Différentielle 2 | |
MATH-H-402: Introduction à l'analyse fonctionnelle et applications | |
MATH-F-511: Géométrie de contact ou Questions avancéees | |
MATH 601: Calculus I (2003-2004) | |
MATH 012: Géométrie Différentielle |
Exercises: MATH 51: Linear Algebra and Differential Calculus of Several Variables 1997-98: full-time Teaching Assistant in the Department of Mathematics (ULB).
Exercises: | MATH 127: Mathématiques Générales |
MATH 040: Calcul Différentiel et Intégral II | |
MATH 008: Introduction aux variétés différentiables | |
ANAL 006: Equations aux dérivées partielles |
Scientific Activities
Co-organizer of the CAST Workshop 2025 (Grenoble).
Co-organizer of the conference "Advances in symplectic topology" (Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, May 2021).
Co-organizer of the conference "Geometric methods in symplectic and contact topology, Conference in honor of Yakov Eliashberg" (Monterey, Aug. 2018).
Co-organizer of the conference "Differential Topology and mathematics of today, a conference in honor of Jean Cerf" (Orsay, June 2018).
Organizer of the Scientific meeting on the minimal number of closed Reeb orbits
(Paris, Dec. 2016).
Co-organizer of the conference "Flexibility and Contact Geometry" (Brussels, Dec. 2015).
Co-organizer of the "Thematic school on Contact and Symplectic Topology" (Orsay, Oct. 2015).
Co-organizer of the "Nantes-Orsay seminar on symplectic and contact geometry", UPsud, Université de Nantes (since Oct. 2013).
Organizer of the "Workshop on Legendrian submanifolds, holomorphic curves and generating families", Royal Academy of Belgium (August 2013).
Member of the expert panel "W&T1: Mathematical Sciences", Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, Belgium (2013 and 2014).
Member of the scientific advisory board of the workshop "Periodic orbits in contact and Riemannian geometry" (Le Touquet 2012).
Editor for the Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society (2102-2014).
Co-organizer of the "Workshops on Symplectic Geometry, Contact Geometry
and Interactions" (Lille 2007, Brussels 2008, Strasbourg 2009, Paris 2010, Uppsala 2011, Madrid 2012, Les Diablerets 2013, Lisbon 2014, Lyon 2015).
Member of the steering committee of the ESF Research Networking Programme ITGP (2009-2014).
Organizer of the "Séminaire de géométrie symplectique
et de contact", ULB (2005-2013).
Co-organizer of the
"Brussels-Cologne seminar on symplectic and contact geometry",
ULB, Köln Universität, Germany (2005-2013).
President of the FNRS contact group in Differential geometry (2005-2010).
Co-organizer of the ULB-VUB Math Colloquium (2005-2008).
Organizer of the FNRS contact group in Differential geometry
and Algebraic topology, ULB, devoted to symplectic and contact topology
(Oct. 2004).
Co-organizer of the "Northern California Symplectic Geometry
Seminar", Stanford University, UC Berkeley, USA (2001-02).
Invited Talks
Oct. 2024: Colloquium, Laboratoire de Mathématiques Jean Leray, Nantes Université, France.
Oct. 2024: Seminar "Topologie, Géométrie et Algèbre", Nantes Université, France.
Nov. 2022: Conference "SPQR 2022: Symplectic and Poisson geometry, Quantization and Reduction" on the occasion of Simone's Gutt 65th birthday, IES Cargèse, France.
June 2022: Conference "Differential geometry, contact geometry, dynamical systems and beyond" in memory of Robert Lutz, Université de Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse, France.
June 2022: Workshop on Symplectic Dynamics, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal.
Jan. 2022: 42nd Winter school Geometry and Physics, Srni, Czech Republic.
Jan. 2021: 41th Winter school Geometry and Physics, Srni, Czech Republic (by visioconference).
Dec. 2019: Workshop on Geometric Methods in Symplectic Topology, ICMAT, Madrid, Spain.
Aug. 2019: Workshop on symplectic geometry and conservative dynamics, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
July 2019: Geometry seminar, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal.
June 2019: Conference "Homological Algebra, Microlocal Analysis and Symplectic Geometry", Montreal, Canada.
Apr. 2019: Colloquium de l'Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France.
Sep. 2018: Two-Day Workshop on Symplectic Geometry, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Aug. 2018: Yashafest special lecture, Stanford University, USA.
Jan. 2018: XII Workshop on Symplectic Geometry, Contact Geometry, and Interactions, Uppsala, Sweden.
Apr. 2016: Seminar "Géométrie et Topologie", Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse, France.
Feb. 2016: Seminar "Géométrie, groupes et dynamique", UMPA de l'ENS de Lyon, France.
Sep. 2015: Workshop "Symplectic Topology and Geometry", Uppsala, Sweden.
Sep. 2015: Workshop in differential geometry on the occasion of Michel Cahen's 80th birthday, Brussels, Belgium.
Aug. 2015: Workshop on symplectic geometry and conservative dynamics, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
July 2015: Summer school on Moduli Problems in Symplectic Geometry, IHES, Bures-sur-Yvette, France.
June 2015: Workshop "Recent Challenges in Contact Geometry", CIRM, Marseille, France.
Feb. 2015: Session of the Class of Sciences, Royal Academy of Belgium.
Dec. 2014: Workshop "Transversality in contact homology", American Institute of Mathematics, Palo Alto, USA.
Sep. 2014: Conference "Symplectic Techniques in Topology and Dynamics", Köln Universität, Germany.
June 2014: Two lectures in the informal workshop on the foundations of contact homology, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook, USA.
Apr. 2014: Bochum-Cologne-Munster seminar on symplectic and contact geometry, Cologne, Germany.
Mar. 2014: Workshop "Parameterized Morse Theory in Low-Dimensional and Symplectic Topology", BIRS, Banff, Canada.
Feb. 2014: Colloquium and seminar "Géométrie et topologie algébrique", Université de Nantes, France.
Sep. 2013: Meeting "Higher-dimensional contact topology", Université de Nantes, France.
June 2013: Colloquium and Geometry seminar, Tel Aviv University, Israel.
Feb. 2013: Seminar "Géométrie - Topologie Dynamique", Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France.
Dec. 2012: Algebra seminar, Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium.
Nov. 2012: Seminar "Analyse non linéaire et EDP", ULB, Brussels, Belgium.
Nov. 2012: Symplectic Topology Seminar, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook, USA.
Sep. 2012: Two lectures in the workshop "Periodic orbits in contact and Riemannian geometry", Le Touquet, France.
Aug. 2012: Workshop on holomorphic curves and low dimensional topology,
Stanford University, USA.
Aug. 2012: Brussels Summer School in Mathematics, ULB, Brussels, Belgium.
July 2012: Workshop "From conservative dynamics to symplectic and contact topology", Lorentz Center, Leiden, The Netherlands.
July 2012: CAST Summer school, Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Budapest, Hungary.
May 2012: Workshop "Contact topology in higher dimensions", AIM, Palo Alto, USA.
May 2012: Seminar "SymplectiX", Insitut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France.
Feb. 2012: Colloquium and Geometry seminar, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
Dec. 2011: Session of the Class of Sciences, Royal Academy of Belgium.
Nov. 2011: Geometry Seminar, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA.
Nov. 2011: Philadelphia Area Topology (Contact / Hyperbolic) Seminar, Bryn Mawr College, Philadelphia, USA.
Aug. 2011: Workshop on symplectic geometry and conservative dynamics, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
June 2011: Mini-course in the Summer School on Contact and Symplectic Topology, Université de Nantes, France.
May 2011: Seminar of topology and algebraic geometry, Université de Nantes, France.
May 2011: Dynamic Analysis Seminar, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Dec. 2010: Colloquium "Geometry and Quantum Theory", Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Sept. 2010: Colloquium "Abel prize 2009 & 2010", Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.
July 2010: Workshop "Geometric Group Theory, Hyperbolic Dynamics and Symplectic Geometry", Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany.
June 2010: Mini course in the 17th Gökova Geometry/Topology Conference, Turkey.
Mar. 2010: Seminar "Geometria Algebraica", Universitat de Barcelona/Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.
Nov. 2009: Workshop "Algebraic structures in the theory of holomorphic curves", MSRI, Berkeley, USA.
Nov. 2009: Workshop "Cyclic homology and symplectic topology",
American Institute of Mathematics, Palo Alto, USA.
Sep. 2009: Seminar "Géométrie symplectique et applications", IRMA, Strasbourg, France.
Mar. 2009: Workshop "Interactions of Geometry and Topology in dimensions 3 and 4", BIRS, Banff, Canada.
Jan. 2009: Seminar "Géométrie symplectique et applications", IRMA, Strasbourg, France.
Nov. 2008: Colloquium MAPA, Department of Mathematics,
Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium.
Oct. 2008 : "Symplectic and contact geometry seminar", Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.
May 2008: Workshop "Floer Theory and Symplectic Dynamics",
Montreal, Canada.
Jan. 2008 : "York Durham Geometry Day", Durham, UK.
Oct. 2007: "London topology and geometry seminar", Imperial College, London, UK.
June 2007: Yashafest Conference "New Perspectives and Challenges
in Symplectic Field Theory", Stanford University, USA.
June 2007: Seminar "Symplect'X", Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France.
May 2007: Workshop "New Applications and Generalizations of Floer theory",
BIRS, Banff, Canada.
Jan. 2007: Seminar "Géométrie symplectique et
applications", IRMA, Strasbourg, France.
Aug. 2006: Mini-course in the
"SFT Workshop",
Universität Leipzig, Germany.
May 2006: Seminar "Géométrie symplectique et applications",
IRMA, Strasbourg, France.
Apr. 2006: Seminar "Mathématiques Pures", UMPA de l'ENS de Lyon,
Apr. 2006: Colloquium and Seminar "Gauge theory/Symplectic geometry",
Columbia University, New York, USA.
Apr. 2006: Courant Symplectic Seminar, New York University, USA.
Dec. 2005: Seminar on Symplectic and Contact geometry,
Köln Universität, Germany.
Nov. 2005: Workshop on Knots, contact structures and foliations, Rényi
Institute, Budapest, Hungary.
July 2005: Workshop on Symplectic Topology : SYMAT05, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal.
June 2005: Holomorphic Curves Workshop, Institute for Advanced Study,
Princeton, USA.
June 2005: Symplectic Geometry Seminar, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
Dec. 2004: Northern California Symplectic Geometry Seminar, Stanford
University, USA.
Dec. 2004: Geometry and
Topology Seminar, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA.
Nov. 2004: Colloquium,
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA.
Nov. 2004: Informal Special Semester on Symplectic Geometry and
Topology, Université de Montréal, Canada.
July 2004: First Joint Canada-France meeting of the mathematical
sciences, Toulouse, France.
Special session "Symplectic topology and geometry". Sep. 2003: EMS Mathematical Weekend, Lisbon, Portugal.
Special session on Symplectic and Related Geometries. Aug. 2003: Workshop "Holomorphic Curves in Contact Geometry", American Institute of Mathematics, Palo Alto, USA. June 2003: Mini-course in the Summer School "Courbes holomorphes et Topologie de contact", Ile de Berder, France. May 2003: Geometry and Topology Seminar, Universität München, Germany. May 2003: Seminar on Geometrical Analysis and Spectral Theory, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany. Apr. 2003: Seminar "Géométrie Complexe et Symplectique", Université de Lille I, France. Apr. 2003: Seminar "Géométrie Différentielle", Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. Dec. 2002: Seminar "Mathématiques Pures", UMPA de l'ENS de Lyon, France.
Dec. 2002: Seminar "Géométrie symplectique et applications", IRMA, Strasbourg, France.
Nov. 2002: Seminar "Algèbre et Topologie", Université de Nantes, France.
June 2002: Advances in Complex, Contact and Symplectic Geometry,
at the occasion of the First Joint International Meeting AMS-UMI, Pisa, Italy.
June 2002: Luminy Conference : Geometry of Low Dimensional Manifolds and Special Geometries, Marseille, France.
Apr. 2002: Symplectic Geometry and Mechanics Seminar, UC Santa Cruz, USA.
Mar. 2002: AMS and MAA Spring Southeastern Section meetings, Atlanta, USA.
Special session on Symplectic and Contact Topology.
Apr. 2001: Conference on Symplectic and Contact Topology, Quantum Cohomology, Symplectic Field Theory and Higher-Dimensional Gauge Theory, Montréal, Canada.
Dec. 1997: FNRS Contact group in Differential Geometry, Han-sur-Lesse, Belgium.
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