Online Covid Seminar
During the lockdown in France due to the Covid 19 pandemic, we organize with
Nguyen Viet Dang,
Frederic Naud and
Gabriel Riviere a seminar on spectral problems, hyperbolic dynamical systems and quantum chaos questions.
Time : Every thursday at 10am ,
a one hour talk followed by questions.
How :
On ZOOM -- please contact me to be included in the mailing list for the links of the talks.
The seminar was running from April 13th to June 29th of 2020, with the following programme:
- 13/04/2020: Frederic Naud (Sorbonne Univ.)
Title: Trou spectral de revetements aleatoires de surfaces.
- 20/04/2020: Colin Guillarmou (Univ. Paris Saclay)
Title: Bootstrap conforme en CFT 2-dimensionnelle.
- 27/04/2020: Yann Chaubet (Univ. Paris Saclay)
Title: Fonctions zeta dynamiques et torsion combinatoire de Turaev
- 04/05/2020: Laura Monk (Univ. Strasbourg)
Title: Spectre des surfaces hyperboliques aleatoires
- 11/05/2020: Etienne Le Masson (Univ. Cergy)
Title: Normes Lp de fonctions propres sur les surfaces aleatoires
- 18/05/2020: Samuel Tapie (Univ. Nantes)
Title: Dynamique non-compacte et bas du spectre des varietes à courbure negative
- 25/05/2020: Jeff Galkowski (Univ. College London)
Title: L^p norms via geodesic beams
- 01/06/2020: Yannick Bonthonneau (Univ. Rennes) and Malo Jezequel (Sorbonne Univ.)
Title: Transformee de FBI en regularite Gevrey et flots d'Anosov.
- 08/06/2020: Gille Carron (Univ. Nantes)
Title: Rigidite de l'espace Euclidien
- 15/06/2020: Maxime Ingremeau (Univ. Nice)
Title: Ergodicité quantique sur les grands graphes quantiques
- 22/06/2020: Semyon Dyatlov (MIT)
Title: Fourier decay for Patterson-Sullivan measures
- 22/06/2020: Nalini Anantharaman (Univ. Strasbourg)
Title: Le bas du spectre d'une surface hyperbolique aleatoire : visite de chantier
The "fall lockdown" programme is: