I am a Royal Society University Research Fellow at the University of Oxford and a chargé de recherche en détachement (CNRS, Orsay). My current research interests lie in derived algebraic geometry, chromatic homotopy theory, and combinatorial topology. Previously, I have carried out some research in geometric group theory with Danny Calegari. I am also interested in abelian, non-abelian, and p-adic Hodge theory. I completed my PhD as a graduate student of Jacob Lurie at Harvard, and was an undergraduate at the University of Cambridge (St. John's College). Here is my CV. If you would like to find out more about my current research, please send me a message here. | ![]() |
We study deformations of Calabi-Yau varieties in characteristic p using techniques from derived algebraic geometry. We prove a mixed characteristic analogue of the Bogomolov-Tian-Todorov theorem (which states that Calabi-Yau varieties in characteristic 0 are unobstructed), and we show that ordinary Calabi-Yau varieties admit canonical lifts to characteristic 0, generalising the Serre-Tate theorem on ordinary abelian varieties.
Infinitesimal deformations are governed by partition Lie algebras. In characteristic 0, these higher categorical structures are modelled by differential graded Lie algebras, but in characteristic p, they are more subtle. We give explicit models for partition Lie algebras over general coherent rings, both in the setting of spectral and derived algebraic geometry. For the spectral case, we refine operadic Koszul duality to a functor from operads to divided power operads, by taking ‘refined linear duals’ of Σn-representations. The derived case requires a further refinement of Koszul duality to a more genuine setting.
We study the restrictions, the strict fixed points, and the strict quotients of the partition
complex |Πn|, which is Σn-space attached to the poset of proper
nontrivial partitions of the set {1,...,n}.
We express the space of fixed points |Πn|G in terms of subgroup posets for
general G ⊆ Σn and prove a formula for the restriction of |Πn| to Young subgroups
Σn1x...x Σnk.
Both results follow by applying a general method, proven with discrete Morse theory, for producing
equivariant branching rules on lattices with group actions.
We uncover surprising links between strict Young quotients of |Πn|, commutative monoid spaces,
and the cotangent fibre in derived algebraic geometry. These connections allow us to construct a
cofibre sequence relating various strict quotients
|Πn|◊∧ Σn (Sl)∧n
and give a combinatorial proof of a splitting in derived algebraic geometry.
Combining all our results, we decompose strict Young quotients of |Πn| in terms of "atoms"
|Πd|◊∧ Σd (Sl)∧d for l odd
and compute their homology.
We thereby also generalise Goerss' computation of the algebraic André-Quillen homology of trivial
square-zero extensions from 𝔽2 to 𝔽p for p an odd prime.
We consider Lie algebras in complete ODx-equivariant module spectra over Lubin-Tate space as a modular generalisation of Quillen's d.g. Lie algebras in rational homotopy theory. We carry out a general study of the relation between monadic Koszul duality and unstable power operations and apply our techniques to compute the operations which act on the homotopy groups of the aforementioned spectral Lie algebras.
We introduce general methods to analyse the Goodwillie tower of the identity functor on a wedge X∨Y of spaces (using the Hilton-Milnor theorem) and on the cofibre cof(f) of a map f: X → Y. We deduce some consequences for vn-periodic homotopy groups: whereas the Goodwillie tower is finite and converges in periodic homotopy when evaluated on spheres (Arone-Mahowald), we show that neither of these statements remains true for wedges and Moore spaces.
This paper analyses stable commutator length in groups Zr * Zs . We bound scl from above in terms of the reduced wordlength (sharply in the limit) and from below in terms of the answer to an associated subset-sum type problem. Combining both estimates, we prove that, as n tends to infinity, words of reduced length n generically have scl arbitrarily close to n⁄4 - 1. We then show that, unless P=NP, there is no polynomial time algorithm to compute scl of efficiently encoded words in F2. All these results are obtained by exploiting the fundamental connection between scl and the geometry of certain rational polyhedra. Their extremal rays have been classified concisely and completely. However, we prove that a similar classification for extremal points is impossible in a very strong sense.
An expository essay on classical Hodge theory, Simpson's nonabelian Hodge theory, and Serre's GAGA. Cambridge essay.
In this expository article, we will describe the equivalence between
weakly admissible filtered (Φ,N)-modules and semistable p-adic Galois
After motivating and constructing the required period rings, we focus on
Colmez-Fontaine's proof that "weak admissibility implies
Harvard Minor Thesis. Cave: material learnt and article written within 3
weeks. Written before the groundbreaking work of Bhatt, Morrow, and Scholze.