Steps to reproduce the article results
- Install the newest version of the morpheus package. Install also the flexmix package, and download this patch used to extend flexmix to other link functions.
- Download the scripts:
Adjust the patch path in accuracy.R and timings.R: see respectively lines 25 and 81.
Now you can either run the R scripts manually, or use the bash files aiming at a cluster.
- Manually:
R --slave --args N=$N n=$n nc=$nc d=$d link=$link out_${n}_${link}_${d} 2>&1
for accuracy, or
R --slave --args N=$N nc=$nc link=$link out 2>&1
for timings,
with $N the total number of runs, $n the sample size, $nc the number of cores,
$d the dimension (2, 5 or 10) and $link the link function ("logit" or "probit").
- Automated:
Warning in this case: flexmix fails for $n=1000$,
so the lines 21 to 42 in accuracy.R should be commented out when the computation is run for $n=1000$.
Results are available in the files res_$n_$d_$link.RData for accuracy, and timings.RData for timings.
They contain a list of two sublists, one for GLSMM and one for MLM, named respectively "mr" and "tm".
The out_${n}_${link}_${d} files contain informations about the runs.