Amaury Freslon
Université Paris-Saclay
Institut de Mathématique d'Orsay - Bâtiment 307
91405 Orsay Cedex

Courrier électronique :
Bureau : 2L22 Bât. 307

I am currently Maître de Conférence at Université Paris-Sud in the Topology and dynamics team. I am interested in the study of topological quantum groups, their structure and properties.

Here is my CV in english and in french.

Si vous cherchez ma page d'enseignement, elle se trouve ici.



  1. Classical actions of quantum permutation groups (with F. Taipe and S. Wang), to appear in J. Operator Theory : link and pdf (old version).
  2. Abstract
  3. Advances on quantum permutation groups, in Advances in functional analysis and operator theory (M.V. Markin, I.V. Nikolaev and C. Trunk eds.), Contemp. Math. 798 (2024), 153-197 : link.
  4. Abstract
  5. Tannaka-Krein reconstruction and ergodic actions of easy quantum groups (with F. Taipe and S. Wang) Comm. Math. Phys. 399 (2023), 105-172 : link and pdf (old version).
  6. Abstract
  7. The Gaussian part of a compact quantum group (with U. Franz and A. Skalski), J. Geom. Phys. 184 (2023), 104710 : link and pdf (old version).
  8. Abstract
  9. Free wreath products with amalgamation, Comm. Alg. 51 (2023), no 1, 72-94 : link and pdf (old version).
  10. Abstract
  11. Cutoff profiles for quantum Lévy processes and quantum random transpositions (with L. Teyssier and S. Wang), Probab. Theory Related Fields 183 (2022), 1285-1327: link and pdf (old version).
  12. Abstract
  13. On the classification of partition quantum groups, Exp. Math. 39 (2021), no 2, 238-270 : link and pdf (old version).
  14. Abstract
  15. Positive definite functions and cut-off for discrete groups, Canad. Math. Bull. 64 (2021), no 2, 306-322 : link and pdf.
  16. Abstract
  17. Topological generation and matrix models for quantum reflection groups (with M. Brannan and A. Chirvasitu), Adv. Math. 363 (2020) : link and pdf.
  18. Abstract
  19. On two-coloured noncrossing partition quantum groups, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 372 (2019), no 6, 4471-4508 : link and pdf (old version).
  20. Abstract
  21. On the representation theory of some noncrossing partition quantum groups, Algebr. Represent. Theory 23 (2019), no 3, 483-492 : link and pdf (old version).
  22. Abstract
  23. Quantum reflections, random walks and cut-off, Internat. J. Math. 29 (2018), no 14, 1850101 : link and pdf (old version).
  24. Abstract
  25. Cut-off phenomenon for random walks on free orthogonal quantum groups, Probab. Theory Related Fields 174 (2019), no3-4, 731-760 : link and pdf (old version).
  26. Abstract
  27. Torsion and K-theory for some free wreath products (with R. Martos), Int. Math. Res. Not. 2020 (2020), no 6, 1639-1670 : link and pdf (old version).
  28. Abstract
  29. Modelling questions for quantum permutations (with T. Banica), Infin. Dimens. Anal. Quantum Probab. Relat. Top. 21 (2018), no 2, 1-26 : link and pdf (old version).
  30. Abstract
  31. The radial MASA in free orthogonal quantum groups (with R. Vergnioux), J. Funct. Anal. 271 (2016), no 10, 2776-2807: link and pdf (old version).
  32. Abstract
  33. Wreath products of finite groups by quantum groups (with A. Skalski), J. Noncommut. Geom. 12 (2018), no 1, 29-68 : link and pdf (old version).
  34. Abstract
  35. On the partition approach to Schur-Weyl duality and free quantum groups (with an appendix by A. Chirvasitu), Transform. Groups 22 (2017), no 3, 707-751 : link and pdf (old version).
  36. Abstract
  37. On bi-free De Finetti theorems (with M. Weber), Ann. Math. Blaise Pascal 23 (2016), no 1, 21-51 : link and pdf (old version).
  38. Abstract
  39. Permanence of approximation properties for discrete quantum groups, Ann. Inst. Fourier 65 (2015), no 4, 1437-1467 : link and pdf (old version).
  40. Abstract
  41. Fusion (semi)rings arising from quantum groups, J. Algebra 417 (2014), 161-197 : link and pdf (revised version).
  42. Abstract
  43. On the representation theory of partition (easy) quantum groups (with M. Weber), J. Reine Angew. Math. 720 (2016), 155-197 : link and pdf (old version).
  44. Abstract
  45. Graphs of quantum groups and K-amenability (with P. Fima), Adv. Math. 260 (2014), 233-280 : link and pdf (old version).
  46. Abstract
  47. CCAP for universal discrete quantum groups (with K. De Commer and M. Yamashita, with an appendix by S. Vaes), Comm. Math. Phys. 331 (2014), no 2, 677-701 : link and pdf (old version).
  48. Abstract
  49. Examples of weakly amenable discrete quantum groups, J. Funct. Anal. 265 (2013), no 9, 2164-2187 : link and pdf (old version).
  50. Abstract
  51. A note on weak amenability for free products of discrete quantum groups, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 350 (2012), no 7-8, 403-406 : link and pdf (old version).
  52. Abstract



  1. On the classification of non-crossing partition quantum groups, Oberwolfach reports 45 (2019).
  2. Cut-off for quantum random walks, Oberwolfach reports 22 (2018).



  1. Mathématiques, exercices incontournables - MPSI/MP2I (3ème edition) (avec M. Bages, P. Bernard, J. Freslon, M. H&eactute;zard, C. Lagrange, J. Levie, M. Mansuy et J. Poineau), Dunod (2023) : lien.
  2. Mathématiques, exercices incontournables - PCSI/PTSI (3ème edition) (avec M. Bages, P. Bernard, J. Freslon, M. H&eactue;zard, C. Lagrange, J. Levie, M. Mansuy et J. Poineau), Dunod (2023) : lien.

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Département de Mathématiques
, Université Paris-Sud, Bât. 425, F-91405 Orsay Cedex ,France