
I have completed my PhD in Applied mathematics under supervision of Clémentine Prieur and Maëlle Nodet.

Research interests

Research projects

Collaborators' web pages

In order of appearance :-)


Preprints, working papers

Accepted papers


Bibliographic studies

Talks, Posters


I have developed and implemented (in C++ and Fortran) certified reduced-order (reduced basis) schemas for Burgers and Shallow-Water equations, as well as Monte-Carlo sensitivity analysis procedures (in C++ and R).

I have also contributed to the CompModSA package (sensitivity analysis using surface responses), and to the sensitivity package (sensitivity analysis in R).

Editorial activities

Referee for ESAIM Proceedings, SIAM Journal of Uncertainty Quantification and Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation.


I co-maintain the GDR Mascot-Num website.

I co-organized the SEME January 2019 at Orsay.