Salammbo Connolly
I am a PhD student under supervision of Frédéric Bourgeois and Agnès Gadbled since October 2023. I am interested in symplectic and contact geometry, specifically Legendrian submanifolds and their interactions with other objects such as Lagrangians. I use generating families as well as methods from Floer homology, and am always keen to learn more !

Bureau 3S1
Laboratoire de mathématiques d'Orsay
Bât. 307
Université Paris-Saclay
91405 Orsay
+33 1 69 15 XX XX
- Morse flow categories, Floer Homotopy Spring School, Grand Varennes, April 2024
- Sur de la torsion en homologie de contact legendrienne (bi)linéarisée, Séminaire de géométrie de Toulouse (invited talk), April 2024
- On torsion in (bi)linearized Legendrian contact homology, Symplectix Seminar (invited talk), April 2024
- Floer fundemental group for Legendrian submanifolds, Floer Homotopy Theory workshop (rencontre ANR COSY), January 2024
- A Floer fundemental group, Orsay Symplectic student seminar, January 2024
- The spectral flow, Workshop on pseudoholomorphic curves, Heidelberg University, February 2023
Upcoming events :
- From Hamiltonian Dynamics to Symplectic Topology and Beyond : A 2024 celebration of Claude Viterbo and his mathematics, June 3rd - 7th 2024.
Events attended :
- Floer homotopy spring school, April 29th - May 3rd 2024, Grands Varennes,
- CAST 2024, February 8th - 10th 2024, Bochum University,
- Workshop on Floer homotopy theory, January 23rd - 25th 2024, IRMA, Stasbourg,
- SFT 10, August 28th - September 1st 2023, Humbold University,
- From smooth to C⁰ symplectic geometry: topological aspects and dynamical implications, July 3rd - 7th 2023, CIRM
- Workshop on pseudoholomorphic curves, Heidelberg University, February 2023.
I also regulary attend the Nantes-Orsay seminar, the Symplectix seminar, and the Topologie et Dynamique seminar at Orsay.
Other activities
I organise the PhD student seminar "Semdoct de vulgarisation" at Orsay. If you have any questions, please feel free to send me an email about it. Also, I teach at the IUT of Orsay.