Yves Laszlo

The english version of my book Introduction to Galois theory written with David Hernandez is published.


Algebraic geometry Professor at Paris-Saclay University.


My resume is available here.

My publications’ list is available there .

And I can't resist providing a link to my beloved foundation, the FMJH (Fondation Mathématique Jacques Hadamard).

Bonus: a lovely video on the life of Évariste Galois (french version) produced by Felipe Acker and his students, a professor at UFRJ in Rio de Janeiro. The portugese original version is also avaliable.

Ecological transition

I am also one of the promoters of the "Manhattan Project of ecological transition", see the articles and link below:


  • an english version of an article in Le Monde on September 26, co-signed by scientists (see the signatory list) from a wide range of backgrounds;
  • a subsequent interview in Libération on September 30, 2023;
  • see also a version of the article in La Libre Belgique, published on October 7, 2023.
  • an  published on Novembre17, 2023;
  • a video of seminar for engineer students with Mathieu Lizée on November 13, 2023 in Télécom Paris-IP Paris and the corresponding teaser;
  • an interview in   published on November 26, 2023 ;
  • an interview of  Lydéric Bocquet about the Manhattan Project of ecological transition;
  • a debate with Lydéric Bocquet in the  "3èmes Rvs de Bercy" (between 2:35 and 3:43).
  • two radio broadcasts on December 11, 2023
  • The  Manhattan project of ecological transition in its stable and pubic version of January 12, 2024.




Institut de de mathématiques d'Orsay
Université Paris-Saclay

Bât. 307 Bureau 3F20 
91405 Orsay 

