
  • PhD work: Géométrie à l’infini de certaines variétés non compactes. 
  • Steady gradient Ricci soliton with curvature in L1 Comm. Anal. Geom. 20 (2012), no. 1, 31-53.​
  • Structure at infinity of expanding gradient Ricci soliton (with Chih-Wei Chen) Asian Journal of mathematics (2015), Vol. 19, no. 5.
  • Rapport asymptotique de courbure, courbure positive et non effondrement  Actes de Séminaire de Théorie Spectrale et Géométrie 2011_2012.
  • Stability of non compact steady and expanding gradient Ricci solitons Calculus of Variations and PDE’s, Vol. 54, (2015), p.2367-2405.
  • Asymptotic estimates and compactness of expanding gradient Ricci solitons Annali Della Scuola Normale Superiore Di Pisa, Vol. 17, (2017), p.485-530.
  • Smoothing out positively curved metric cones by Ricci expanders Geometric and Functional Analysis, Vol. 26, (2016), p.188-249.
  • Unique continuation at infinity for conical Ricci expanders Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, (2017), p.3107-3147.
  • Weak stability of Ricci expanders with positive curvature operator  (with Tobias Lamm) Matematische Zeitschrift, Vol. 286, (2017), p.951-985. 
  • Expanding Kähler-Ricci solitons coming out of Kähler cones   (with Ronan Conlon)  Journal of Differential Geometry. Vol. 115, (2020), p.303-365.
  • Stability of ALE Ricci-flat manifolds under Ricci flow (with Klaus Kröncke)The Journal of geometric analysis, Vol. 30, (2020), p.2829-2870.
  • Existence of expanders of the harmonic map flow (with Tobias Lamm) Annales de l’École Normale Supérieure, Vol.54, (2021), p.1237-1274.
  • A relative entropy for expanders of the harmonic map flow  Communications in Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 44, (2019), p.1481-1541.
  • Generic uniqueness of expanders with vanishing relative entropy (with Felix Schulze) Mathematische Annalen, Vol. 377, (2020), p.1095-1127.
  • On the regularity of Ricci flows coming out of metric spaces (with Felix Schulze and Miles Simon)  Journal of European Mathematical Society, Vol. 24, (2022), p.2233-2277. 
  • Classification results for expanding and shrinking gradient Kahler-Ricci solitons (with Ronan Conlon and Song Sun)   Accepté pour publication à Geometry and Topology. arXiv:1904.00147
  • Steady gradient Kahler-Ricci solitons on crepant resolutions of Calabi-Yau cones (with Ronan Conlon)  Accepté pour publication à Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society. arXiv:2006.03100 
  • A Lojasiewicz inequality for ALE Ricci-flat metrics (with Tristan Ozuch) Accepté pour publication à Annali Della Scuola Normale Superiore Di Pisa. arXiv:2007.09937 
  • A relative entropy and a unique continuation result for Ricci expanders (with Felix Schulze)  Accepté pour publication à Communication on Pure and Applied Mathematics. arXiv:2101.02638
  • Dynamical (in)stability of Ricci-flat ALE metrics along the Ricci flow (with Tristan Ozuch)  Accepté pour publication à Calculus of Variations and PDE’s. arXiv:2104.10630  
  • Uniform estimates for cscK metrics (with Eleonora DiNezza). Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Vol. 31, (2022), p.975-993.
  • On finite Type I singularities of the Kähler-Ricci flow on compact Kähler surfaces (with Charles Cifarelli and Ronan Conlon). Accepté pour publication à The Journal of European Mathematical Society. arXiv:2203.04380
  • Initial stability estimates for Ricci flow and three dimensional Ricci-pinched manifolds (with Felix Schulze and Miles Simon), Submitted. arXiv:2203.15313
  • A new complete two-dimensional shrinking gradient Kähler-Ricci soliton (with R. Bamler, C. Cifarelli and R. Conlon). Accepté pour publication à GAFA. arXiv:2206.10785
  • An Aubin continuity path for shrinking gradient Kähler-Ricci solitons (with C. Cifarelli, R. Conlon, A. Deruelle). Accepté pour publication à Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik. arXiv:2205.08482
  • On the Hamilton-Lott conjecture in higher dimensions (with F. Schulze and M. Simon). Submitted. arXiv:2403. 00708